Thursday, May 3, 2007

Profesor Jorge is the same as Donald Yung

Last year in May I ordered a spell from Donald Yung. His website was I sent my money to his assistant Jens Johansson in Kista Sweden. I believed in him because there was a forum and he had some great reviews. After I sent in the money I have never heard from him and was forced to do some research. I found blogs and websites where hundreds of people filed complaints. I am still very very hurt over this.

Today I start this blog because I came accross a spell casting forum that has many similarities with I emailed Profesor Jorge from and and was asked to pay $1495 with Paypal, which I did. After he got the money he never responded to my 12 emails and I have not received any results whatsoever. My friend emailed him too and was asked to send $995 with Western Union to his assistant "Jens Johansson" in Kista Sweden again. Profesor Jorge is the same Person as former Donald Yung!

Here we go again. They are out to get our money again and pretent to be the best spell casters in the world.

I feel very bad for all the innocent people that will come across the and will believe their lies. I have posted a message on and it was immediately deleted.

If you come across this blog (which I hope many of you will) and you had any dealings with the following websites please write your experiences here in my blog. - Deborah - Dena - Altea - Lee Ann Profesor Jorge Profesor Jorge Sharon Notre-Dame - Isidore Bonjoko - Angel-Priestess Maria - High Spirit-Priestess Faera Priestess Samantha Venus - Josue J. Lenoir - Luther Joseph LaFortune - Gwendyth - Donald Yung - Cinthya Adriana - Gaiia - Peter Faith

They are so evil and we have to put a stop to it.

Thank you for reading and participating in my blog.



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stfox2011@yahoo,com said...

Great Joy and blessings to all of you my friends. I finally got results. I am happy now, i have my ex back and i have lots of money now too. Medina Naibura did it perfectly and she's not expensive too.

james said...

i am so happy and i dont know how to say thanks to melinda, i contacted him and its so perfect that i got my results in just two days i got my result i won the conytract... \i am happy

Anonymous said...

Have anyone used

Maria said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Maria said...

Hi everyone!

I really need a spell caster that is real.
Tried Abigail but no results so far. i am a little skeptical if her "spells" really works...still waiting...

i know there must be a REAL CASTER somewere i want fast results!
so anyone tried and got some results!
please e mail

Anonymous said... and are fraud. Both website are owned by one scammer. Bothe website use the same free number 1-877-272-9442. (the website and number will change after she find out about the blog) The spellcaster name used for the first website is Rebecca Charles, and Karen Stones for the second website. The use similar testimonials only changes names, so these are made up too. She is no psychic, I meant dead wrong prediction. SHe charge me twice for a total of $600, never called me back or answered the phone. She has sweet voice and speak religiously.

Anonymous said...

AISHA HAADI is also a scam. Her spells don't work and she charged tons of money. Notice that she claimed she has helped hundreds of thousands people but her guestbook has only about 1200. I guess the rest are her failures. The website kept saying that their guestbook is being update but it's never done, because they can't make up enough positive testimonials. She doesn't respond her email and neither her daughter Miriam as some testinomials said.

Anonymous said...

Ok After much reseaches on the net and reading all the scams, I have been scare to commit to any spell caster. But I just settle with Dominic
I haven't found any negative post about this person YET (unless someone get me wrong)... will keep your guys posted on my result. said...

That is outrageous, how can they charge $1200 for a money spell? Priestess Delani does her money spells and Love spells for just $650..and you see results in less than 14 days. I recommend her.

Anonymous said...

( A SCAM. WHY? The following claim by 'anonymous' is actually a testimony taken from AISHA HAADI's guestbook. Disgustting!!!

"I must admit, I was really skeptical at first. my husband of 10 years, out of the blue, just decided that he did not want to be married to me any more.
I was devistated, i mean this is the man i catered to, loved and cherished since the day we morning he called me in the bedroom and told me that i was a great wife and mother but he did not want to stay married to me.
he shattered my heart into microscopic pieces. he gave me no reason at all.
I pleaded with him to reconcider but he would not hear of it. not even a week later, i contacted Owmat tata and informed him with my problem. He told me not to worry and that he felt confident that he will save my marriage. i sent her everything she asked for. about 10 days later i recieved my Talisman. that same night, i had this strange dream, it was so vivid,till this day i can swear it was real.
i woke up the next day and thought nothing of it.
11 days went by and still no word from J
I drove the kids to school and came back home, and decided to take a nap, I went upstairs and opened the bedroom door... OH my god, there was the love of my life J standing by the bed. and it was full of flowers just like in my dream. all he kept saying was...i don't know what's gotten into me... I am sorry, i love you, please forgive me, i really love you Michelle.
we made love and the rest was history.
till this day, i do not know how to thank Owmat, I even sent him a check and told him it was a gift, he returned it to me with a little note, and it reads like this: dear michelle
I am glad that you got your results. the work i did for you, you've already paid for. this check you could give it to someone in need. or to your favorite charity. take care and be well. i am here for you...
what a made a believer out of me, you have proved me wrong, thanks a million Owmat"
I cant stop thanking you Owmat, thank you so much."Here is his contact email and phone to confirm this and if you want help too. (

micheal said...

has anyone used ogun lakaye, he told me he is based in malaysia and i want to be sure before ordering my spells from him..

Anonymous said...

its like everyone have been scammed several times here just like me and this declines the real spell caster.though few of us are not opportune to meet them in person because of the distance depending of where this real spell caster maybe residing at.a politician linked me to a spell caster in this very blog but i took it upon myself to meet this real spell caster in person not minding how much it will cost me to fly to his country because i truly need someone to help me get my life and love back into my life.
i did not mind wasting money to fly over there than loosing money to a fake spell caster just like before.i was so excited when i met him in person and everything went perfectly okay for me .Now my man is right now at the jacuzzi waiting for me to know what i mean. i am so happy because i am not going to spend the valentine so so so happy.

i really don't wish to leave my email here but i was a victim of Aisha Haadi and one Madame Boudicca
ripped of scam.there are real spellcaster

you need a link to the spell caster that helped me -my email is

Balsamo said...

yes ogun lakaye is based in malaysia and i did not order my spell from him because i was thinking omatata was real and now i dont have money to pay him him for my spell. but to me i think he is real

derek said...

thanks so much for telling the experience you had going to meet your caster.. do you have any proof of this send us proof instead of promoting fake caster and telling us false stories about how good they worked. i lost alot of money following testimonies like this so please prove it and stop deceiving people.

has any one ordered or do any one have news about thinking of going ahead with him but i still have a little doubts.

karan said...

i made use of the power of to get my exlover back am so glad and happy right now.....

Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard of alaba toke?

Anonymous said...

I see there are lots of fake people here, you peope should back off and stop taking people's money and stop taking advantage of people who need desperate help. I got results from Priestess Delani's spells. She is genuine and her spells don't cost much. i got her e-mail from someone she did spells for, she is also in the newspapers, and they show her spell miracles and works on TV sometimes..she is the only genuine one that i know. please avoid getting scammed on here. my e-mail is:, i can send you her contact. she is nice and she responds fast. Good luck everyone.

Anonymous said...

let give him a ive heard alot about him

Anonymous said...

im here to share my success story with you after a long time of working wit fake casters in search of love spell. I was scammed by professor alangba,papa solomon, Madam Boudicca. They took my money and i did not get the results of what they claimed to do. They are BIG fraud. I have searched everywhere possible for spiritual helps that will make me get back my wife from the hands of my jealous friend and all i talked with took away my money and wasted lot of my time. If you have suffered this similar heart break or you want to work with the a true caster that will not bill you or take away your money without results, is your solution. im not making an advert for him, i am doing this cause i promised to let the world know about him.

Anonymous said...

im here to share my success story with you after a long time of working wit fake casters in search of love spell. I was scammed by professor alangba,papa solomon, Madam Boudicca. They took my money and i did not get the results of what they claimed to do. They are BIG fraud. I have searched everywhere possible for spiritual helps that will make me get back my wife from the hands of my jealous friend and all i talked with took away my money and wasted lot of my time. If you have suffered this similar heart break or you want to work with the a true caster that will not bill you or take away your money without results, is your solution. im not making an advert for him, i am doing this cause i promised to let the world know about him.

Anonymous said...

Its embarassing to know some people spell seekers have been scammed due to their ignorance.why would you have a psychic paid without a proof of the spell work he or she is doing for you.we had several report of rip off activities of innocent people searching for genuine psychic.The united nation organisation(u.n.o)have decided to set a spell verification team to verify any spell caster you want us to verify if they are real or not. we also approve genuine spell caster you can contact without no troubles.

Anonymous said...

ogun lakaye??? i stay in malaysia. let me know the contact of ogun lakaye, i am looking for a spell caster too. i can try verify ogun lakaye by asking the local here.

Anonymous said...

ripped off victims can get their money back through the help of a spell caster who specializes on that, i was ripped off and i got at them back and now they are feeling the who laughed last?

Anonymous said...

Well, it seems every one here as been scammed one way or the other..i think i have a solution to end this...i tried a Spell caster who helped me but you know what?.i traveled to go and see him personally and i did..Surprisingly i saw my results but the thing is he charges much...well i can vouch for him..Am with my man now..we even got married Last week...well to verify this just mail me you'll see facts for yourself..

Anonymous said...

I think am gonna try your spell caster...with those pictures of your wedding and if that is the work of your spell caster...I'll try him...But if am ripped off , i will hold you responsible miss

Anonymous said... him He is really good....His name his Professor Labamba.....Give him a trial...

Anonymous said...

What about Elena Angel or
Brother Child
are they a scam too?

Val said...

Hi folks; I've just spent a couple of hours reading the posts here, which was very interesting and informative! Someone asked about Brother Child; I tried a spell from him years ago, - he seemed very nice, but nothing happened. I recently tried Abayomi Aaliyah, and am waiting for the results of his work for me.... I was a bit dismayed at reading some comments (here and elsewhere) saying that he was a "scam artist", as I was kind-of pinning my hopes on his promises. Now I'm not sure what to think; they all tell you to "stay positive",- easier said than done when you're not sure if they're genuine! Anyone else out there tried Abayomi's spells recently? Thanks, ~~Val.

melinda said...

here is a verified and very trusted spell caster, i have worked with her and i got my results and i promised her i will tell the whole world about her good work, because i have been ripped by so many people on internet that claimed to be a real caster, but ogunlakaye showed the difference and i am happy and i will gladly give you his details if you need any help you i cant give out on here because i will like to know the number of people that is contacting him through me, then i will know if i am keeping my promise or not. my email address is:

Anonymous said...

Despite paying him $750 thinking it was a scammer but he proved me wrong. Prof Labamba did it...i got my Job back...Am working Again...Half of my salary goes to him.. I would design and paste Handbills for him in my community in the best...

Shawn said...

I got mine done.just contact me to get yours done by a well experienced spell caster..

femmy said...

To those who Have met Prof labamba facially, i want you to thank him on my behalf for what he has done. i can tell it all but all i can say is that he did a great job on my contact me if you have any Question..

Anonymous said...

Hello ..I've actually lookd into some of these but after being scamd I trust no one,,there is a guy named sebastine thomas says he casts,,I sent him money thru money gram,,n never heard from him..his number is 2129617851...he is a scammer,,im using a lady from fla right now an she is doin one for me,,if u need info email me

Anonymous said...

you don't have to be scammed anymore. We sell spells item and we can help refer or contact for you real spell casters. contact us on or call us on +2347032850679

Anonymous said...

Has anyone used Elaine and

She said she would get me results nothing so far.

Anonymous said...

I have tried This spell and i think you should all try him no matter the doubts you have.Just follow his instructions and you'll get your results. contact me on

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone, I order a love spell from and it only took them 12 days to give me the results...I finally say that now am happy to have my lover back to me

Anonymous said...

B.R. Amanda Adams of Texas is fake and scam artist she gave me her home number before she got my money she was answering on both lines after she got my money she stop answering and calling text her a couple times text me back she working on my case. I've paid 3 people and it's been a year and things didn't get any better just worse. one person local and one in Florida. Ive found out from one psych lady she didn't charge me anything she told me somethings to do and that it's best i learn to do it for myself. those same people you all talking about i email them from 4 different address got the same answer back. one even called but when tried to call Samuel back the number was not in service. Want try mama Janie Crawford if anyone tried her let me know.

fred said...

i have worked with many casters and so so many of then took my money without results, karan mulech worked for me but the result wasn't clear enough though i felt and noticed changes... i contacted oluosho spells, i gave it a trials despite his spells are so expensive but very effective, i got my results and i am happy he is very simple and i am always afraid when i am talking to him on phone. i will not like to share my contact on here but you can reach him with:

i will be on here as fred for a while

Anonymous said...

Contact Prof Labamba! I used him you will see the result in 5-7 days He Cast Love spells, health, beauty, relationship, money, lottery spells and you get results in should contact him..his e.mail is or you can ask me for result my e.mail is me..he is REAL! and i got his e.mail from this blog..

Anonymous said...

I have just seen the result of the love spell a spell caster just did for me. i can do you a great help of getting you this real spell caster if you can write me here privately and to let you know bad once that has taken my money too, I don't want to put his name here not to be inform of advert but you talk to me there to meet one of the best casters online and who will give you results of what you want and stop the bad once online for money without results. And plus I have met with him in person and have also been to his shrine. Don't waste time searching further. Hope to read from you soon.

Anonymous said...

I have just seen the result of the love spell a spell caster just did for me. i can do you a great help of getting you this real spell caster if you can write me here privately and to let you know bad once that has taken my money too, I don't want to put his name here not to be inform of advert but you talk to me there to meet one of the best casters online and who will give you results of what you want and stop the bad once online for money without results. And plus I have met with him in person and have also been to his shrine. Don't waste time searching further. Hope to read from you soon.

Anonymous said...

I used Elena Angel. I would highly recommend her. The moment I sent the email things got better with my ex. Her reading was very detailed and spot on with things she could not have know. She was so lovely and went into a lot of information and I have ever confidence in her. Please feel free to write a message to me (Ash) if you have questions.

Anonymous said...

I have just seen the result of the love spell a spell caster just did for me. i can do you a great help of getting you this real spell caster if you can write me here privately and to let you know bad once that has taken my money too, I don't want to put his name here not to be inform of advert but you talk to me there to meet one of the best casters online and who will give you results of what you want and stop the bad once online for money without results. And plus I have met with him in person and have also been to his shrine. Don't waste time searching further. Hope to read from you soon.

Anonymous said...

I have just seen the result of the love spell a spell caster just did for me. i can do you a great help of getting you this real spell caster if you can write me here privately and to let you know bad once that has taken my money too, I don't want to put his name here not to be inform of advert but you talk to me there to meet one of the best casters online and who will give you results of what you want and stop the bad once online for money without results. And plus I have met with him in person and have also been to his shrine. Don't waste time searching further. Hope to read from you soon.

Anonymous said...

to Ash:

what is Elena's email address, is she in Canada. Thank you!

goshen said...

Wow who is the zukranvoodoo psychic,this person is amazing , just heard of his wonderful work on Asian TV now .please does anyone have a link to him, email ,phone number or anything pleaseeeeeee

Anonymous said...

Contact Prof Labamba! I used him you will see the result in 5-7 days He Cast Love spells, health, beauty, relationship, money, lottery spells and you get results in should contact him..his e.mail is or you can ask me for result my name is ( amz) trust me..he is REAL! and i got his e.mail from this blog..and before i contacted him i used abigail and didnt get any result ! i would recommend prof labamba you can e.mail me and ask or just e.mail him..he will prove you himself what he is..he even told me about me and my ex what we did before which was true ..even told me the reason why we had to break up..its all true..please if u dont wanna be scammed i will highly recommend prof labamba. Thankx!
if u have any msg for me here u can ask me my name is (amz..i've been scammed once..i know how it feels!

micheal said...

finally this lady spell caster proved her worth,i contacted her for a spell to help me bring my ex wife back and she gave me two weeks that i my wife will come back to surprised that my wife is back and ready to bring happiness back to me.this lady spell caster is just the savior of my can reach her on her

Anonymous said...

try elana angel, she seems promising.

Anonymous said...

i am thinking to use elena angel..anyone used her?? is she real?? and in how long does her spell works??

Ash u might be able to help me with please reply me soon thankx.

Anonymous said...

I got my result just in a space of 3days. well contact me for more Info. don't want t get scammed this time.

foundlove said...

people search for love everywhere and sometimes,they never find it but what is worse than having found it,then losing it.that was my story until i came across through his blog,,after due consultations for love spell,my runaway love returned...

femmy said...

You all need to trust me on this One. It is real. I met him closely and i was scared but thanks to his spirits his spells did really work.
Contact me for the full gist.

Anonymous said...

I am not here to advertise and im sorry if this looks like one, but to stop the wicked works of some fake casters i have worked with. One of them even went ahead using my name to testify to his lies. Using my name to post in forums.I want you all to know the works of, professor alangba,, are all lies. dont work with them. They pretended and took money from me and could not give a result for what they were paid for, a caster did it for me in two weeks. For more details about this caster, you can talk to me here He can be of great helps to you too.

Anonymous said...

I am not here to advertise and im sorry if this looks like one, but to stop the wicked works of some fake casters i have worked with. One of them even went ahead using my name to testify to his lies. Using my name to post in forums.I want you all to know the works of, proffesor alangba,, are all lies. dont work with them. They pretended and took money from me and could not give a result for what they were paid for, a caster did it for me in two weeks. For more details about this caster, you can talk to me here He can be of great helps to you too.

Anonymous said...

i just saw the result of the love spell did for me a week ago. You can use im too he is one of true casters online.

faith said...

i know a good and genuine spell caster that can help bring your lover back just like he did for me
i am very happy now and dont feel miserable anymore .
He abandoned me for 2 years and now he is back home loving me more than ever. if you need the link of the spell caster that helped me . email me to

annie said...

i took my time to search for zukran voodoo online and asked friends because i was watching SDTV, when i saw a spell advert, copied the details and contacted zukran, i never wanted to say anything about it until i got my results, i asked him how he was able to place advert on our singapore television station, he said it was a client he had that told him he will help him with adverts i am happy i got my results and i will say it to the world, some one here said he say the advert too his contact details is i am happy. the love issue i have been trying to solve for so long came to an end in six days. i am so happy

Anonymous said...

i seen a real spell caster,i will give you guys details soon as i get my result

mikira said...

sorry please,am interested in this zukran voodoo, i have heard of him several times. is the email because the thing is not going through.

i will appreciate your reply asap


annie said...

The email is

Freddie (car manufacturer) said...

i am Freddie and i work and i am the general manager at a Nissan company here in japan. Before the tsunami, there is this spell caster i contact frequently from Malaysia that asked me to leave japan or it will cost me my life. i asked how and what will happen?. he said he does not know and his oracle did not show him that. i was reluctant at first but i had to leave because i needed to see my girlfriend and wife to be in the was barely 6 days latter the tsunami disaster happened. 5 of my friends are gone and i am grateful i am alive.

unfortunately for me, i returned back to the state only to find out she is going to marry another man which i regard as my worst enemy.
i thought i have lost her but fortunately for me i won her back through the help of the great one(spell caster). he cast a spell on her to brought back good memories of us and broke the spell chain the other man inflicted on her.

Now am a happy man and everyone is invited to my wedding next week Saturday at the open bible church
840 Weeks St - (94303 1625) East Palo Alto CA

If you have a problem and you seek the help of this psychic. email me to my company email which is

annie Y said...

i am not the one who said its
the email i used to contact him is
he is so good at his work and personally i goy my results with proof, so if you want, you can contact me through my email:
i will be glad to tell you more.and dont forget his email address

Anonymous said...

has anyone used:
Elena Angel
Candle Magick co UK

folu said...

I have been scammed on this blog by all the spell casters that has been referred to me here i this Blog.That is why i want to put a stop to all this. well i saw an advert in a newspaper about a spell caster and i gave him a try, though i had my doubts but he proved me wrong and did all i wanted. Now i have my desired results. I don't want you all to be scammed anymore.Just contact me and i would Gladly LINK YO TO HIM.
Here's my Contact.

Anonymous said...

I want to know if these people are scams (Madam Boudicca), (Fiona Jones) and (Papa Salomon)?

Anonymous said...

Believe me there are still spells caster that really work .. I am happy with my love .. my love ran away from home for over 4 years , i contacted a spells caster and now my LOVE is BACK AND FOR REAL ... you can email me if you want me to introduced you to him , he is great and mighty .. Now i am happily married with 2 kids .. here is my email address ..

Kim lamber said...

Thank you ,He is really a great man .. i am 2months pregnant .. Thank you Faith .

Unknown said...

Has anyone used grady heberlee??? how is he???

Anonymous said...

Hello.. has anyone used for any spells and did it work? let me know. Thanks. NM

Anonymous said...

Hi, I emailed psychic dena and just then came across your bog. Thankfully I have not sent anything yet. Thanks to you Trixie for creating this blog. But I am still looking for a spell caster. I would like to use Elenaangel - can anyone please tell me more about her and if you have got results and if she is genuine. Or is this all fake?

linda said...

thanks so much annie, i contacted and he is responding well and i thing i am hopeful, though this is my first time i will have such feelings

Briggs said...

My life was crumbling down after been scammed differently on this same blog but i stumbled on an advert about a spell a spell caster and i gave it my last all and lo and behold, i Got my desired results..I can't tell it all on here,but you can contact me for more information on my happiness:

RICHARD said...

I am Richard from Bev. Hills. If I had been told I would be this happy and calm today, I would have argued. I had been scammed several times trying to get help/spell for securing a more lucrative Job. I saw a comment on another BLOG where I came across a wonderful female spell caster, almost not paying for her services. I know it is difficult being convinced due to scam rate but believe me, IT WORKED. And I believe no matter problems you have, THE MOTHER DEITY can help. Gotta get back to work. For her link, drop me a message on

Anonymous said...

I purchased a love spell from Elaine,, in the beginning of February. I have not seen any results yet, but I can tell you that she continues to respond to everyone of my e-mails and answers MOST of my questions.

In the beginning, I confronted her about a few complaints that I found on the internet, and she responded to those with reasonable answers.

Jennie said...

Has anyone used fiona jones and achieved results?

Stella lee Nguyen said...

All thanks to for introducing the spells caster to me , my dad and mom are back together for good thank you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much ..God bless you .

Faith said...

You are welcome Stella lee Nguyen, contact me for a real spells caster ,i am helping because i hate to see people get

Unknown said...

have any one know about
i am working with him to cast a spell
please let me know if u had .....seems v nice

Anonymous said...

For those of you who have used Prof Labamba or Zukran, will you please share your experiences? I feel a bit apprehensive when it comes to sending money via western union or money gram.


shawn said...

talking about Prof Labamba, i have used him for my spell and his spells worked and i also paid him via western union. i did not bother to use Zukran's services after i had seen Prof Labamba spell work. i don't know about Zukran.

Hannah said...

Hello guys,thanks to, i am cured of my diabetes and it has been confirmed by my doctor that i am no more a diabetic patient. i can't just imagine and don't know how to express my happiness. what a great relief. thanks to you guys for referring me to him.

Anonymous said...

@ shawn i used labamba but did not get any result yet from how long did you get your result?? and has anybody used elena angel? does her spell work? please let me know ASAP.. thank u

Paula said...


Message for Faith Baltimore and Stella lee Nguyen - did you pay for your spells via Western Union, as spell caster has requested this and have been previously told that this is dodgy, he's also asked for my personal details.

Cassie said...

I have finally hit the nail, after so many scams, I do not regret giving a it a last try. Thanks so much Richard. If you need a link, mail me here... She's got the real spells.

Faith said...

Denise Kinton I paid him through western union and He did my Job completely ..Dont be scared he is a great man ..I HAVE NO DOUT ABOUT HIM ..I just paid him for a Spells , I cast a spell on my boss at work , to give me promotion ..I was given a promotion letter today ..I am so happy ..

Jenny said...

Who has used mother deity please? She seems to work with protocol, and I feel calm. I just want to know if her spell has really ever worked as people often say.

Anonymous said...

I was about to purchase a spell from Prof Labamba but then I noticed two testimonies that were posted on here was before and one was right after I received an e-mail from Prof Labamba. I shouldn't have said anything about where I came across his name in the email I sent him....but I'm glad that I spotted all this right away.


bilci said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
shawn said...

i used Labamba and i got my results in 7days.. well i have been scammed by Elena.. i used Labamba twice. so i can vouch for him. But ifyou used him and it has not yet worked then i think you should be patient or probably you did not follow all his instructions.

Aamir said...

Look what I just found, I hope It works.

bilci said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Elaine jones said...

Faith thank you so much you have a Good hearth. He is truly a marvelous spells caster ,can you believe pablo is now begging me that he is sorry , he wants to come back home that he really need to see me and my son after leaving us for 2years . I think this is the best time for everyone to contact . To tell you about the spells caster. Once again thank you faith .

Ash said...

Elena Angel is at

Her reading was spot on. Stuff she could not have known.

Plus the day after I emailed her I got back with my ex. He text me we spoke on the phone, met up and got back together.

So I trust her. Me and my ex are still together and its been a month.

bilci said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bilci said...

to those who are asking about fiona jones SHE IS A SCAM AND DONT USE HER SERVICE

Ben said...

I need a real spell caster, am so tired of being scammed.

Ben said...

I need a real spell caster, am so tired of being scammed.

bilci said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
This comment has been removed by the author.
itzhan said...

wow, zukren, you are wonderful. i received a call from my ex lover today. i am so happy and i dont know how to done this. zukran, thank you so much for restoring my happiness. thank you again again again.
annie thanks for the limk and the email. God will bless you

Verified real spell casters team. said...

Hi every one here. it is our duty to stop you from been scammed and that is why we move and make researches on both the REAL and FAKE spell casters. We have Fully Certified And have verified the real ones because we traveled to meet them and we know what they do and we Confirm that they are real. So get in Touch with us so we can guide and direct you to Real, powerful and truthful spell casters.
Contact us.

Kendra said...

I don't know how to publicly express myself but if you wanna know who I contacted for my spell to work, try Her words will move you. Her philosophical advices are fantastic and will really help anyone in need.

Richard said...

Read Mother Deity's new post on A really inteligent spell caster.

suzi said...

Hi, I also got ripped of by fake spellcasters can anyone please tell me a real spellcaster who can help me with my love matter very fast. Please.......thank you.

Anonymous said...

Believe me there are still spells caster that really work .. I am happy with my love .. my love ran away from home for over 4 years , i contacted a spells caster and now my LOVE is BACK AND FOR REAL ... you can email me if you want me to introduced you to him , he is great and mighty .. Now i am happily married with 2 kids .. here is my email address ..

bilci said...

-prof. Labamba from
-raj gbenga and his email is
-zukran voodoo and his email is
-bazinta service the email is
- and their email is

you can put all these to your scam list as all of them are,just scams,no sorry,scumbags.i have found a genuine one,and i wish you also the same,but let me just say,whoever asks you lots of money is a scam,you can trust me on this one!!! i am sending to all of you lots of positive energy and love and hope you also will find a genuine spellcaster,there are,dont lose hope but dont be naive to pay high amounts to scamers

bilci said...

oh yes,the site that sends you list of verified spellcasters is a scam itself.dont fall for that

bilci said...

and another thing i want and feel the need to say.i was so desperate after my long term relationship ended and of course i wanted him back,i searched internet for at least 9 hours per day,reading every single comment i could find.i contacted so many "casters" scumbags that they really are.i know you all are desperate,but just on this site,60% of comments are made by "casters" promoting themselves.and you know what?they have no powers,only power they have is to take money from desperate people.i really feel pissed off by all this so called real clients with success stories but in real,their success is just taking money from you.i myself was so desperate but did not fall for sweet words and my lover back in few days.let me tell you all something about the magic,as i started studying it,no spellcaster can guarantee you success in few days,after the spell was casted,the energy was taken to the universe,and it depends of the universe when the energy will reach its goal,within hours,days,weeks or years,maybe never if its just not meant to be,no genuine spellcaster will tell you exact time of spell taking effect,it all depends mostly on your energy that you are sending to the i was searching for genuine spellcasters i registered to many forums and i for sure am going to publish this everywhere as i hate to see people being desperate also being scammed by evil people with no heart and compassion for our problems that are real.good luck guys

bilci said...

oh,and i forgot to write,shawn here is prof labamba dear spellcaster,i am still alive and i plan to be alive for a long long time despite your hex if i dont make the payment

Anonymous said...

bilci you are Just a Jerk . why will you just decided that way , you need a deliverance

Anonymous said...

i made use of the power of to bring back my long gone wife..who left me for another man.

shawn said...

@bilci, i don't get what you mean and for the record i have prove and facts that Labamba helped me get back my Ex and i have pictures of the wedding of me and my wife so i don't know what you talking about.

james said...

@bilci-did these list of people you mentioned worked for you and did you get scammed by them .if you have contacted all this people then you have a big problem . why you telling us you have a genuine spell caster now , i guess you was paid to do this. just another advert of your artificial self.

you are just a scoundrel

james said...

@bilci-did these list of people you mentioned worked for you and did you get scammed by them .if you have contacted all this people then you have a big problem . why you telling us you have a genuine spell caster now , i guess you was paid to do this. just another advert of your artificial self.

you are just a scoundrel

mohamed said...

Guys i want you all to take a close look at the comments here. you would notice that Bilci, is only trying to discourage you all from casting spell and also making you contact someone who i feel she is. i think she is Elena Angel. for you to also leave a contact here, i know she is fake and to tell you guys she referred me to Elena Angel One time.. Don't full people here, let them decide for them selves on What to do.

bilci said...

i am a jerk?because i dont fall for scams?ok,then i guess i am a jerk,important is that you fall for it,right?or you are one of those spellcasters?promoting who?the person that told me i will die if i dont purchase items?please,use your common sense,no caster will ever say that to you,not a genuine one at least.and no spirits will demand from me to borrow money from friends to purchase items or i will die.i am not 16 years old,neither are you so stop scamming.ok?was i clear this time?or you can give some arguments to your theory me being a jerk?oh,wait,were you cured?and all we have is your word that those people from the list are genuine?i am tired of scammers and jerks like you,all i want is to help people,to point to scammers so they dont fall for that.if they still do,well,i gave them a fair warning they are,please provide some arguments for your theorys

bilci said...

i am not paid for this,i really am not.i am not trying to redirect you to any spell caster,i would never do that.i have found a genuine one,from who i am learning a lot and in time i will cast my own spells,but i know how it feels when you are desperate and you fall for sweet words.they gave me false hope and what is worse? not having your loved one beside you and with some money in your pocket or not having your loved one beside you and without that money because you were scammed? and to mohamed,i never pointed elena angel to you,i maybe gave you the advice before i used her service.and all people here attacking me,are just so called casters that need to assure their bussiness see,i will not delete my comments,they are staying,for others that may visit this site,and if just one decides not to use these scammers,my comments reached their goals.and i would never publish my caster here,so you could attack them too?if you have just bit of intuition you will sense a scammer

bilci said...

dear jerome,did it ever accur to you i may be jobless because i dont actually need a job?thats also why i had time to check many sites and blogs and learned a i said,60% of "satisfied clients" here are scammers themselves.if anyone has anything smart to ask,i can provide you full details about anyone on my list of scammers.not that i need,but i hate to see scumbags earning on our misery,but please also note,i will never direct you to any caster,i can just provide you scammers that were checked by me

Unknown said...

Way to go Bilci :) Thank you for confirming that Prof Labamba IS indeed a scam artist.

Edward said...

After what Bilci wrote, i decided to try Mother deity and i found out that she is real why because i Met her in Person.

Jerome Navy said...

@bilci, i can't just believe your Pack of lies. Following your first comment on this blog, i think you too are trying to Do an ADVERT for Elena Angel. Just be straight forward. If we were all smart too at the beginning we won't all be scammed but because of our inpure nature, trying to get back our Ex from some one who makes them Happy. i say we all are worse than the Spell casters i mean the scammers. Let me conclude by saying that everyone should not even bother to cast spell again rather live with Nature and what it has to offer. I'll rather not Get my Ex- back than been scammed by all even ELENA ANGEL.

bilci said...

wow,my comments here are being deleted.i wonder why? my common sense is saying to me to stay away from these site,as i think somebody with the power of deleting my comments (now,i aint pointing to anyone) doesnt like my posts.i wonder why? maybe because few people seeing my posts saved their money?????

bilci said...

anyway,after several times that i have tried to post a comment and every time it was deleted (that would really make me think why) i have decided that too many scammers are running this site so before also this post is being deleted,run from here,there are other sites too.i hope many people will go away from here,due to people who wanna share their experiences are not appreciated.i guess i should speak shit and make you guys good advertisemt.but how can i do that if you havent done your work?and dear prof labamba,i am filing report on you,so you now,this time you crossed the line saying i am going to die

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU @BILCI... I have been scammed 3 times before and not sure if I’m being scammed now with who I’m working with as he is from Nigeria, I have a feeling as I’m kind of being feed the same things I was told before. I have been asked for more money but I think I will quit while I’m ahead as I have lost my hard earned working money. Not sure I believe if there is any real spell caster out there at all that is real and will not just take money away from real people needing help. I have been scammed and it sucks because I really do need help.

bilci said...

people who ask you more money are scammers!!!! there are real casters,best is to find one and meet them in person.please dont fall for other people's refferences as its most likely (if not 100%) scammers themselves.dont pay high amounts,most of genuine spellcasters are not charging much,believe me,i could speak about it for days,but not sure my comments would be appreciated due to all the scammers here,trying to make me look like i am promoting someone,and i am also filing report on those scumbags,if i am hurt it doesnt mean i am also stupid

Anonymous said...

thanxs for confirming

prof. Labamba from

is a scammer i was about to cast a spell from him

Anonymous said...

u r absolutely right

can you please contact me through my email address

thanxs need to talk

bilci said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bilci said...

i apologize for my english,i had to learn it myself from tv shows and movies.the thing is,you guys,make me so happy,knowing you havent fall for scumbags

bilci said...

hey folks,i have received email from prof labamba,it was the final email i needed,authorities have been notified already.i wonder how long will it take for labamba to disappear? oh yes,tomorrow he is here again,another anonymous will make refferences to prof takawaka :)

bilci said...

oh,yes,according to prof labamba and his spirits i have 21 days before i die,because i made them very angry.i will start counting my days now and every day untill 21 day is over and i should be dead,anyone wants me to forward you his email??? i will be more than happy to prove my statements.anyway,after these 21 days,i will be still here,and cant wait for these scammers to try to attack me again,because then there will be proof i am right and all of them are scammers aka prof labamba himself

Anonymous said...

Bilci... THANK YOU AGAIN!!! I’m done with all these cast spellers that are just taking money from me and everyone else. I work hard for my money... they just talk and talk and get money. I was told that my ex had a haxed on him from the woman he was with ... the same thing i was told by others and I’m expected to pay more to get that hax off of him. I prayed before and it never happened. So now i paid once over $500 and now I’m asked for more than $500 to take that spell out... and spirits and witches...I GIVE UP. I guess I’ll take my losses and just go on with my life and if God or the world wants my Ex to come back to me then it will happen later. I have lost over $5k with all these scammers and these 5k could have been a vacation for me or something for me. But i was stupid enough to believe in all of them. I don't want to add names or websites or emails just most of all these websites, and people are all scammers and will just take your money. Guess i will just take myself to church and pray and pray for God to help me and heal me from wanting to use spells to bring my love back. if it's meant to be it will happen if not then so be it. Thanks again Bilci you helped me realize all this was just FAKE FAKE FAKE.

Anonymous said...

ok lete them decide by them selves.....i just wanna say decide not to contact anyone who is told as a scammer and SPECIALY SO COLD PROF LABAMBAAABAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

bilci said...

dear anonymous,i feel sorry you were scammed so many times and for such high amount of your money.the thing is,you can cast a spell yourself with a bit help of a caster who is usualy not charging it or will ask you for a small amount.those spells casted by yourself are the most effective ones.i have been blessed to get to know someone who is willing to teach me so i can learn about it.i dont wanna make you believe or give you false hope,but have you ever considered visiting the country that is known for spellcasting? $5k is quite a lot of money,with that money you could visit a genuine spellcaster and have your spell casted in front of you.i am sending you lots of positive energy and love and i will keep you tonight in my prayers

bilci said...

hey,where have all prof labamba lovers gone? just a bit of joke :) to cheer you up guys

Anonymous said...

@Bilci, i see now you turned yourself into a celebrity and now every body believes in you. I hope they don't all get their bubbles busted. Elena Angel's Agent and Advertiser.

john said...

@bilci, seems everyone here trust you now, well i wanna ask if you know anything about just asking if he is part of the scammers.

Unknown said...

I'm glad that I blocked Prof Labamba after he told me that performing a spell half way will have its consequences.

bilci said...

me celebrity and an agent?sorry,i was just pissed off by so called caster labamba.if you leave me your email i will be happy to forward you his email with treats about how am i going to die in 21 day.and if you havent yet noticed i have deleted all my posts where i mentioned her,and i will highly appreciate if you dont mention her anymore,at least not mention her and me together.
do you want his email?

bilci said...

@john,i dont know anything about the caster you are asking.just note something,dont look for casters in africa
@claire,you did correct,i guess he is saying that to everyone,i have opened a new SCUMBAG folder and his emails are going directly into that folder and to the police.

Anonymous said...

Bilci what is your email address?

african child omo iya aje said...

You all making bilci feel like a celebrity .. =)) =)) MIOLEº°˚ ˚°º≈RERINº°˚ ˚°º≈OOOOº°˚ ˚°º≈ORI IYA .MI OO º°˚ ˚°º≈OOOOº°˚ ˚°º≈=)) =))‎​​=))º°˚˚˚°I wan laugh throwey=)) =))º°˚˚˚°ºнaĦaнaº°˚˚˚°º‎​=)) =))º°˚˚˚°ºнaĦaнaº°˚˚˚°º‎​=)) =))Laugh wan tear ma belle!!!!!!!º‎​=)) =))º°˚˚˚°ºнaĦaнaº°˚˚˚°º‎​=)) =))º°˚˚Laugh no go kill ‎​M̶̲̅ε̲̣ °˚˚˚°º just tell her that she should go and create and start her own blogs so that we can always come over there to make comments ..hehehehehehe

bilci said...

and again my posts here are being deleted.mah,it doesnt matter,you all know now what i wanted to point,now its up to you who are you going to trust.stay well

Anonymous said...

I got my exlover with the powerfull spell of acienntpriestofayilala a strong black magic voodoo can also contact him on your situation

james said...

Am done with you guys onn here,I've gotten my exlover back and am really greatfull after all these while of scamm.if you so desire you can reach him on

Anonymous said...

this mr Labamba has robbed me recently, first nearly USD 300 IN MATERIALS And then asking for more USD 50 to send me some beads...... it s a shame, when i asked DHL with the number for tracking he provided.... nothing.... i had been scammed once more. you are right bilci, one can trust at all in African spellcasters, who i am sure arent either spellcasters, just thieves..
but as i wrote him some moments ago,.... poor jerk who needs to do so to rob people more USD 50..... i wonder who will go and send money to him after the comments here

Anonymous said...

You don t haver shame, Kendra.... one month ago you were promoting another spellcaster from whom i ordered spell and he didn t still cast it either.....

now you ve let pass a time and promotes another one.
go to hell s of a b

Anonymous said...

elena is very sweet but unluckily her spell didn t give any result to me.....

Anonymous said...

who is the jerk publishing here about merchandise to sell, i wonder???

charles said...


lindsay evra said...

i have never heard zukran or bazinta service ripping off innocent before because i am a living witness of their good work. if you feel what i said is not true, then say your claims now for everyone to see on this blog.

Tell us how much they collected from you and how they scammed you?

Because i know they do not do such and no one has ever commented of being scammed by them.

Anonymous said...

Aftter a cleansen spell from my lover came back to me with apology to me and my joy was restored back.this I have long desire for.

james said...

Angelina said...

THANK YOU FAITH MY HUSBAND IS BACK HOME AS I AM TYPING HERE RIGHT NOW .Thanks for introducing that spells caster to me .

bilci said...

to those who think i am deverting you to another spellcaster,which spellcaster exactly do you have in mind?i maybe gave a good word for one,but before i used services from,who exactly am i promoting?i have deleted all my posts where i was giving a good word for this spellcaster.just because her reading was accurate,people using her,know what am i talking about.i am not promoting anyone nor i will.i just wanted to point to scammers,and i its all up to you.besides,also for prof labamba i could not find negative posts anywhere,but i prooved he is a scammer,and also others here confirmed me.again,i do not wish to expose my spellcaster,if its meant for you to find them,you will.i wish you all good luck

Stella lee Nguyen said...

Faith i intend bring the spells caster to CANADA, what do you think?

FAITH said...

@ Angelina You are welcome , i just hate to see people get scam ,i am happy for you.

@ Stella lee Nguyen feel free talk to him i know he will be glad to come over there .

And for those who will love to know the spells caster here is my email address feel free to contact me

Anonymous said...

Guys, Bilci has really helped but we all need to confirm for ourselves rather than have someone telling us who is who. Bilci her self said she had to delete her post of doing an Advert for Elena Angel but with all that i have studied in here in think that everyone should just be careful and that includes BILCI. cause you never know who is who.

Anonymous said...

I am very unsure between using Samuel SDN and Arewa spells, can someone please give me an advice. The price for both of them are pretty high and i doon't want to spend hard earned money on scamers....Thanks guye

bilci said...

hey guys,you are absolutely right,trust just what you see with your own eyes,i would be very carefull(again,i am not pointing to anyone) with people that are directing you to a "genuine" spellcaster,as some of them gave me prof labamba email and made good refferences but we all know he is a scammer,and now i see some of them again are giving refferences.anyway,i am mostly done with online spellcaster,i am checking one more now as i am being lucky to have friends and relatives all over the world,so also this one is going to be checked in the following days,because i my cousin is going to the address he gave me.if it turns out he is another scammer i will publish his name,if it turns out i will say nothing,as i dont want to make an advert for anyone.but be carefull,if a spellcaster declines to give you address or declines that you meet him in person and have your spell done in front of you,its a scam.this one agreed to give me the address but doesnt know my cousin is going,in few days i will warn you about another scammer if he turns to be one,if not then i will not write anything (again,please stop believing to people that are dirrecting you to a spellcaster as its almost 100% sure its a scam)

bilci said...

oh,i forgot,i never made an advert for anyone,neither in posts that i have deleted (not that i had to delete it,as i just expressed how her work was,but i never said guys she is the one,true,genuine one) and in my previous post,i "ate"some words,i meant if it turns out the caster i am checking now to be genuine,i will NOT publish his name,as i will never promote anyone,but if it turns out he is scammer,you can be sure his name is going to scumbag list and hopefully will help you save some money

Anonymous said...

@BILCi, you are still in one way or the other trying to o an advert and please stop trying to be the most careful person here, everyone can decide on what to and let me tell every one here that we all too are much more worse than the fake spell caster cause thinking about it, why on Earth do we want to cast a spell on someone.Its totally Absurd, Bizarre and wicked of us all. Lets think about it. A word is enough for the wise. And Bilci i don't think you should comment here again you have tried and am sure everyone appreciates that but let them also decide for themselves on what to do with their decisions on spell casters. Capich.

Jerome Navy said...

I hate to hear that there are fake spell casters in Africa, for your information there are fakes in Argentina,Malaysia, USA, U.K,Australia And there are Also Genuine Ones In Africa, Argentina, Mexico, Spain, Australia, USA, U.K and so on Just be careful. They Can be Anywhere Either genuine or fake.They can be Anywhere. just follow your conscience/Instinct.

kojo said...

I got scam my some dudes in Sweden

bob milner said...

you guys really need to contact me to cast your spell from this person i met personally and he his really Good. am leaving his contact because i met him in person and because of what Bilci said. Don't take this as an Advert but sincerely you can confide in him. i Can bet you all that you will come back to this Blog and speak Good about this caster.

The big producer said...

@dan foster- i agree with what you said about the celebrity girl called bilcil.i don't mind inviting her to participate in my next coming movie festival.since she is jobless , i will give her a role to act on. she might make a good actress you

Anonymous said...

has anyone used Jean Kent of Voodoocan or high priestess enoch

Anonymous said...

what a geniue spell caster has really proven his worth

Unknown said...

Instead of picking on Bilci, maybe all you scammers should be out looking for REAL jobs.

Anonymous said...

how do you send payment to is it by western union and where is he located at

Anonymous said...

How long should you wait before you try another spell caster. I have been waiting for 4moths and still haven't seen results is it okay to try another one

Anonymous said...

@dan foster said.

man y are u so angry .....i just wanna say evryone i have tried most of the online spell casters and they are all FAKES specially ill tell prof LBAMBAAA samuel ashra and so many are there

never contatc anyone recomended here as they will only rip ur hard earn money ....
they are all fake spell casters
bilci is genuine a just a victim like us

Anonymous said...

I almost spent $200 with Ashra, thank God I got back my money, when I came to know that she is a scam, I disputed the money through paypal, Ashra tried to scar me different way then I told her that I will complain about her to the police and I have all the evidence against her that she is a fraud that she refunded me my money. She is a big scam, don't waste your money and she almost force people to leave a positive feedback.

Anonymous said...

I to used Ashra and she is a fake. She keeps sending me emails wanting me to buy more and more spells from her. She tells me that this spell is the one I need to get my ex back. It has been a year and nothing

bilci said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sandra said...

I recently saw a testimony about a spell caster of some sort in a blog I visit for relationship and marriage counselling problems and I just thought after ripped off the previous year of almost about $580, I should try it*maybe out of desperation of some sort*..and I contacted them..Atfirst everything felt dreamy and unbelievable,their consultations and solution was a little bit easy and strange and I was scared a little cos I heard read and heard lots of stories of fake spell casters and scammers ripping people off their money..I played along with a little hope and and faith and I was sent some few stuffs after everything and it worked like a miracle,everything went to a while new direction,it was and is amazing...I guess it was all good faith that made me read That particular post that faithful day..I hope they could help other people too like they did me...I did a little and I got everything I wanted and wished for*my husband,my family and my life back*their address;

sandra said...

I recently saw a testimony about a spell caster of some sort in a blog I visit for relationship and marriage counselling problems and I just thought after ripped off the previous year of almost about $580, I should try it*maybe out of desperation of some sort*..and I contacted them..Atfirst everything felt dreamy and unbelievable,their consultations and solution was a little bit easy and strange and I was scared a little cos I heard read and heard lots of stories of fake spell casters and scammers ripping people off their money..I played along with a little hope and and faith and I was sent some few stuffs after everything and it worked like a miracle,everything went to a while new direction,it was and is amazing...I guess it was all good faith that made me read That particular post that faithful day..I hope they could help other people too like they did me...I did a little and I got everything I wanted and wished for*my husband,my family and my life back*their address;


Throw back the shoulders, let the heart sing, let the eyes flash, let the mind be lifted up, look upward and say to yourself... Nothing is impossible! . I met a really Good spells caster and I AM REALLY HAPPY THAN EVER BEFORE .Say to yourself nothing is IMPOSSIBLE You can get back your long lost love because nothing is impossible .i will have love to drop the spells caster contact here but i think is more advisable you contact me and i will let you know the spells caster here is my personal email address


Why does one study any form of science and art? To study the MAGIC is to study the nature of one's self and also to explore the paths of magic that uses the crude emotions, dark emotions, and anger into something useful and productive. Emotions are our driving force and to be ignorant of the human's capacity of power in the occult is to be ignorant of life. Explore all paths and learn that there is no good or evil, there is only power, knowledge, and wisdom.
Names are names, and humans must categorize everything as good or bad. In reality, there is no such thing as the "dark" or "light" path. It is all magic. It is all occult. It is all natural.
Believe what you wish, but humans are always performing "light" and "dark" as it is all in perspective. Truth, beauty, and many other variables in life are judged in the eyes in the beholder. They are not fact or truth. These are all opinions backed up by years of ignorance (and ignorance blatantly means lack of knowledge or understanding).
Therefore do not condemn the dark arts, but embrace it and study it. If you do not agree because it is "evil" then take the lessons learned and make them into your daily agenda to better your life.

This is merely my opinion and I do not care to know how others feel about it. I purely wrote this to give another thought on the subject. I hope you enjoyed it.
Good day,

Anonymous said...

Well, I suspect Arewa is a scam. She offered a free quote and authentic review. So I asked her something, an she suggested two spells - one for $398 and one for $498. There were some concerns which I had which she just said "there'll be no problem anymore". So I asked her a simple question (to confirm her authenticity), and that if she could answer that question, I'll send money straightaway, and she stopped replying after that.

Anonymous said...

You can try Denise Alvadaro, who practises New Orleans Voodoo. Her readings have been very accurate, and her advice very sound and useful.

But you might have to wait a LONG LONG time. I took well over two months to get my report (online), and another 6 months before it got sent to my house. While I am very pleased with her report, I was disappointed with her services rendered. Her reading is something I strongly recommend IF you don't mind patiently waiting indefinitely after sending the money over.

Anonymous said...

any spell caster that ask for money upfront is fake ??

any spell caster that uses money gram or western is fake???

Anonymous said...

any spell caster that ask for money upfront with out proof of there work not phont sucess stories i been searching for a spell caster for 2 years and never met one real person with a sucess story

cashius said...

i just sold my car iam willing to pay 1,000 dollars for any spell caster that can show me proof or any sucess or results
email me at

Anonymous said...

no real spell caster will tell you that they can get your lover back and you will live happy ever after
mother nature dont work like that but there will be a trade off somewhere in your life you will lose something it will be a cost somewhere in life
but witchcraft is REAL but 98 of these online are fakes any one that promises results in days is fake a real caster doesnt know when it will take effect could minutes days or even years
any one that says they cant fail is fake anyone tht says they have a 100 percent rating is fake casting a spell is about 50/50 chance alll the time you would haver better sucess with prayer than the online casters there maybe one or two out there but i havnt come in contact yet and i been searching almost 3 years

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Casting materials dont cost that much thats another way you know your gettin scammed

Anonymous said...

if a spell caster tell you they will do it free and they just need you to pay for the material but the material your self trust me they will not like that cause 90 percent of the tie there no spell being cast at all

Anonymous said...

does anyone know anything about sat guru maharaji?or raj gbenga?i would appreciate your help

Anonymous said...

has any one ever used Duduspells? if so are they the real deal and worth my money???

Anonymous said...

don t loose your money with mehrujaspells.
He keeps asking more money saying that his spirits instruct so...and if one can t send more money, he blackmails you threating with casting a black magick spell on you. it is a shame.

Anonymous said...

I wish I would have found this site before. I just sent $105.00 to a store called Celestial Stores to buy materials for a spell that I am having Guru Maharaji cast for me. I got his email from a Kimberly Irby. She said that she used him and he helped her. I hope she is right. I will update on what happens next.

Anonymous said...

please keep us informed about guru maharaji.i am also thinking about using his services

Anonymous said...

i ve paid the materials to celestial stores like 3 months ago and Mr Guru still hasn t cast my spell and doesn t answer my e mails either.

if he answers me i willposdt here again, but upto now i am afraid i ve been scammed once more...

Anonymous said...

guru maharaji told me the spell is getting results in few days after casting few months and still no results?i dont know,he told me to send him materials and in few days i will get my desired results.because of that i havent purchased the items,how the fuck can he know when exactly is it going to show me results? does anyone here know anything about raj gbenga? his email is i would really appreciate whatever you have to say about him

Anonymous said...

I would like to know your experience with I read positive reviews on few blogs but so many postive feedback...thats usualy,anyone?anything?

Anonymous said...

Have purchased a spell from caster recommended by Faith Baltimore, waiting for goods which should of been sent last week, promised for this week so will see if they arrive and what happens if they do - will keep you posted on this as he tried asking for more money

I hope he's as good as you say Faith

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