Thursday, May 3, 2007

Profesor Jorge is the same as Donald Yung

Last year in May I ordered a spell from Donald Yung. His website was I sent my money to his assistant Jens Johansson in Kista Sweden. I believed in him because there was a forum and he had some great reviews. After I sent in the money I have never heard from him and was forced to do some research. I found blogs and websites where hundreds of people filed complaints. I am still very very hurt over this.

Today I start this blog because I came accross a spell casting forum that has many similarities with I emailed Profesor Jorge from and and was asked to pay $1495 with Paypal, which I did. After he got the money he never responded to my 12 emails and I have not received any results whatsoever. My friend emailed him too and was asked to send $995 with Western Union to his assistant "Jens Johansson" in Kista Sweden again. Profesor Jorge is the same Person as former Donald Yung!

Here we go again. They are out to get our money again and pretent to be the best spell casters in the world.

I feel very bad for all the innocent people that will come across the and will believe their lies. I have posted a message on and it was immediately deleted.

If you come across this blog (which I hope many of you will) and you had any dealings with the following websites please write your experiences here in my blog. - Deborah - Dena - Altea - Lee Ann Profesor Jorge Profesor Jorge Sharon Notre-Dame - Isidore Bonjoko - Angel-Priestess Maria - High Spirit-Priestess Faera Priestess Samantha Venus - Josue J. Lenoir - Luther Joseph LaFortune - Gwendyth - Donald Yung - Cinthya Adriana - Gaiia - Peter Faith

They are so evil and we have to put a stop to it.

Thank you for reading and participating in my blog.



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Lord Game Over said...

Jenny, Jenny, Jenny oh why must you lie dear. May I suggest you get a truth spell and come back and tell us you are advertising a con man/woman or it!

JENNY said...

Lord Game Over said...

Kolade how is it shakin! I have to say I can't find anything bad to say about you. I know you are trying real hard to prove yourself but dude, I can't help you unless you take 1 client on with no fee in advance and who will be willing to share the details of your work. Times are tough but I keep waiting for you to show me what you can do. If things change and you can validate yourself let me have my email address.

Lord Game Over said...

When I confirm a spell caster, I want to see all the email traffic, all payment receipts and I want to talk to the lover that came back. I also want to see a bill that shows your name and a photo ID. You have to dig real deep to get the information to prove the results being claimed. So half truth/half lie lets just say, if I say the caster is real then the caster is real...i'm not here to play games. I will be so sure that he is real that I will put my money where my mout is on it. Of course the client will be expected to pay me back! I don't play games.

Anonymous said...
The world of the fake spell casters is, purposely, so filled with confusion and distortion that everything is either a half-truth or a half-lie, depending upon which version you are talking about.

For example people stating that a caster is real or stating that a caster has been confirmed is either half truth or half lie. Yes the person is a real person so you have the truth. Saying the person has been confirmed as a real caster is the half lie. I hope that his information has been useful to help you see the mind games being played here.

Lord Game Over said...

Not news to me...sorry you got scammed.

Anonymous said...

Lord Game Over said...

Mrs Wilson...what do you thing you are doing? Your caster is not a caster but just another con man...Fact!

Mrs Wilson said...
Hello, i got the email of this caster some weeks ago but i don't want to put his name on this blog until i get the results but now i've gotten the solution to my problem. You can contact him on Pls i don't want anybody to see this as a form of advertisement but just for others to benefit from this man because i know many have been scammed on this blog.

Mrs Wilson said...

Please, i don't see any reason why you should be asking me what did i mean i'm doing because i've been scammed by two fake spell casters from this blog. I just put this man's name here because i never thought i could find someone like him. So, i'm happy for myself

Kelvin said...

This world is full of different people with many purposes but the problem is that many don't realize their purpose in life because there are some people on this blog who are only after the downfall of the righteous ones. whose name was listed among the scammers list by a stupid fellow has helped me to overcome my problem. Papa, i'm very grateful. If at all you want to ask anything about him, you can contact me on

Lord Game Over said...

Ms. wilson...I have been scammed by who you said helped you. Whats bad about it is I though he was real too and was telling people about him and how ince he just do everyone here a favor and just shut up and go away.

Mrs Wilson said...
Please, i don't see any reason why you should be asking me what did i mean i'm doing because i've been scammed by two fake spell casters from this blog. I just put this man's name here because i never thought i could find someone like him. So, i'm happy for myself

Lord Game Over said...


still waiting on you to email me with proof. Several people have fallen for your caster although he was listed as a scammed and guess what they wrote me to say they got scammed. He is on the scammed list because he is a scammer. 100% guarantee if anyone here uses this caster you will get ripped off. Take your money and run!

Kelvin said...
This world is full of different people with many purposes but the problem is that many don't realize their purpose in life because there are some people on this blog who are only after the downfall of the righteous ones. whose name was listed among the scammers list by a stupid fellow has helped me to overcome my problem. Papa, i'm very grateful. If at all you want to ask anything about him, you can contact me on

Lord Game Over said...

My friend how did I miss the post about you> hon...remember I busted you in a lie...its the one where you said it was your brother that got results and then you said it was your cousin...when I caught you in the like you started calling me names...yes your are forever in my memory...also you were promoting a caster who was dead...even sent you the news paper articles.

Lord Game Over said...

Anyone visiting this will not find a single real spell caster on this blog. 100% guaranteed. If you elect to use anyone here you will get ripped off. Ask yourself when reading the sorry fake stories...does this sound real? if so why are so many people still looking for a real spell caster? Use common sense.

Prof Miguel said...


Did you know that every problem can be solved?
We cast good spells and offer supernatural help.

GET YOUR EX BACK-When you feel like you have lost everything because the person you love has left you for another – do not despair. This spell will bring him/her back to you and will encourage them to love you even more.

SEARCHING FOR YOUR SOUL MATE- This spell will direct and bring your true soul mate to you.

LOVE SPELL- Make someone Love ONLY you and Cherish you

FERTILITY SPELL-We will help you to solve your infertility problems and make you fertile again.

HEALING SPELL-This spell will heal you of any disease. Diabetes, Overweight, Obesity, Asthma and many more.

BANISHING SPELL-This spell banishes and casts away all your bad luck, changes your destiny and also banishes bad influences from others meaning to do harm.

COMMAND/COMPEL SPELL- This will give you command over someone to do as you say, or do your bidding.

CAREER SPELL- This spell will boost your career life.

PROSPERITY SPELL- This spell is used to bring good luck and prosperity to your destiny

MONEY SPELL- Need money?? - This spell will bring money to you in many ways.

CUSTOM MADE SPELL- Not Sure what you need? – Don’t worry.Once you have explained your situation, we will evaluate the situation together, and creat a spell offering the best solution.

Universal Blessings Be Upon You.


Anonymous said...

Good Day

We at the SPELL VERIFICATION TEAM wont relent in our effort in making sure that everyone on this blog gets the very best of spell, after so many investigations, we discovered that their are still lots of fake spell casters on this blog and as part of our effort, we have introduced and collaborate with the FEDERAL BUREAU of INVESTIGATION (F.B.I) to help us fish out all those involved in scam all over this blogs by tracking them down and bringing them to book...
On the other hand, we are urging you that you make inquiries with us at ( before contacting any spell caster from this blog to avoid being scammed...

We are fully prepared to clear this bad people and make sure that you get the very best of spell while we'll get you a spell caster close to you for conveniency if necessary.

(a stitch in time saves nine)


Anonymous said...

Good Day

We at the SPELL VERIFICATION TEAM wont relent in our effort in making sure that everyone on this blog gets the very best of spell, after so many investigations, we discovered that their are still lots of fake spell casters on this blog and as part of our effort, we have introduced and collaborate with the FEDERAL BUREAU of INVESTIGATION (F.B.I) to help us fish out all those involved in scam all over this blogs by tracking them down and bringing them to book...
On the other hand, we are urging you that you make inquiries with us at ( before contacting any spell caster from this blog to avoid being scammed...

We are fully prepared to clear this bad people and make sure that you get the very best of spell while we'll get you a spell caster close to you for conveniency if necessary.

(a stitch in time saves nine)


Mrs Wilson said...

Lord game over, i will like you to swear on this blog that you've been scammed by ogungbemiogunwale, if not you will never succeed in life again.

Lord Game Over said...

Ms. Wilson...I will do one better, quite a few people have sworn they have been scammed by that con man! Your threats do not work for me.

Mrs Wilson said...
Lord game over, i will like you to swear on this blog that you've been scammed by ogungbemiogunwale, if not you will never succeed in life again.

Lord Game over said...

This one is funny...they are still claiming they work with the FBI...what a joke!

We at the SPELL VERIFICATION TEAM wont relent in our effort in making sure that everyone on this blog gets the very best of spell, after so many investigations, we discovered that their are still lots of fake spell casters on this blog and as part of our effort, we have introduced and collaborate with the FEDERAL BUREAU of INVESTIGATION (F.B.I) to help us fish out all those involved in scam all over this blogs by tracking them down and bringing them to book...

The Spell Verification Team said...

We at the SPELL VERIFICATION TEAM wont relent in our effort in making sure that everyone on this blog gets the very best of spell, after so many investigations, we discovered that their are still lots of fake spell casters on this blog and as part of our effort, we have introduced and collaborate with the FEDERAL BUREAU of INVESTIGATION (F.B.I) to help us fish out all those involved in scam all over this blogs by tracking them down and bringing them to book...
On the other hand, we are urging you that you make inquiries with us at ( before contacting any spell caster from this blog to avoid being scammed...

We are fully prepared to clear this bad people and make sure that you get the very best of spell while we'll get you a spell caster close to you for convenience if necessary.

(a stitch in time saves nine)


The Spell Verification Team said...

We at the SPELL VERIFICATION TEAM wont relent in our effort in making sure that everyone on this blog gets the very best of spell, after so many investigations, we discovered that their are still lots of fake spell casters on this blog and as part of our effort, we have introduced and collaborate with the FEDERAL BUREAU of INVESTIGATION (F.B.I) to help us fish out all those involved in scam all over this blogs by tracking them down and bringing them to book...
On the other hand, we are urging you that you make inquiries with us at ( before contacting any spell caster from this blog to avoid being scammed...

We are fully prepared to clear this bad people and make sure that you get the very best of spell while we'll get you a spell caster close to you for conveniency if necessary.

(a stitch in time saves nine)

INDIA.We at the SPELL VERIFICATION TEAM wont relent in our effort in making sure that everyone on this blog gets the very best of spell, after so many investigations, we discovered that their are still lots of fake spell casters on this blog and as part of our effort, we have introduced and collaborate with the FEDERAL BUREAU of INVESTIGATION (F.B.I) to help us fish out all those involved in scam all over this blogs by tracking them down and bringing them to book...
On the other hand, we are urging you that you make inquiries with us at ( before contacting any spell caster from this blog to avoid being scammed...

We are fully prepared to clear this bad people and make sure that you get the very best of spell while we'll get you a spell caster close to you for conveniency if necessary.

(a stitch in time saves nine)


The Spell Verification Team said...

We at the SPELL VERIFICATION TEAM wont relent in our effort in making sure that everyone on this blog gets the very best of spell, after so many investigations, we discovered that their are still lots of fake spell casters on this blog and as part of our effort, we have introduced and collaborate with the FEDERAL BUREAU of INVESTIGATION (F.B.I) to help us fish out all those involved in scam all over this blogs by tracking them down and bringing them to book...
On the other hand, we are urging you that you make inquiries with us at ( before contacting any spell caster from this blog to avoid being scammed...

We are fully prepared to clear this bad people and make sure that you get the very best of spell while we'll get you a spell caster close to you for convenience if necessary.

(a stitch in time saves nine)


Anonymous said...

Lord game over, i can say that you're also a scammer because you're always condemming all the casters on this blog and i don't think you know what you've been causing for people who truly need a spell caster to help there life. You don't even want people to contact the casters on this blog any longer which i don't know whether you're gaining from it. At least, let people contact the casters and post there comments here. You always post here that you've contacted every casters on this blog. Who are you by the way? It's better you put a stop to this.

Anonymous said...

A Spell to Find Love for the First Time

There’s no need to perform the usual rituals apart from consecrating the
things you are going to use to cast this spell,which is designed for those who have never been in love before.

You will need:

A fresh, fragrant red rose
Several red candles

The night you make the magic, establish the time the sun will rise next
morning and just before you go to bed, put the red rose on your altar
with a red candle on either side of it. Set your alarm for a few minutes
before sunrise.

On awakening, take the rose outside, face the dawn (or if you live in a
flat, stand before an open window facing east) and say:

Red rose,true love’s flower,
Please lend me your power,
To give someone my heart,
And never shall we part.
And let it be done,that it harm no one.

Put the rose back in its place on the altar and light the two candles.Spend a minute or two focused on the flames, visualizing love warming the heart of the one you desire. Repeat the ritual each night until the rose fades,using the flames of the dying candles to light new ones.When the rose dies, extinguish the candles either by snuffing them with your fingers or with a candle snuffer and bury the dead flower. As it rots in the ground,love will be kindled in the heart of your chosen one and they will soon make themselves known to you.

For spiritual assistance, email me on

I believe you can do the spell on your own !!!

Kolade Akintola

Anonymous said...

A Spell to Find Love for the First Time

There’s no need to perform the usual rituals apart from consecrating the
things you are going to use to cast this spell,which is designed for those who have never been in love before.

You will need:

A fresh, fragrant red rose
Several red candles

The night you make the magic, establish the time the sun will rise next
morning and just before you go to bed, put the red rose on your altar
with a red candle on either side of it. Set your alarm for a few minutes
before sunrise.

On awakening, take the rose outside, face the dawn (or if you live in a
flat, stand before an open window facing east) and say:

Red rose,true love’s flower,
Please lend me your power,
To give someone my heart,
And never shall we part.
And let it be done,that it harm no one.

Put the rose back in its place on the altar and light the two candles.Spend a minute or two focused on the flames, visualizing love warming the heart of the one you desire. Repeat the ritual each night until the rose fades,using the flames of the dying candles to light new ones.When the rose dies, extinguish the candles either by snuffing them with your fingers or with a candle snuffer and bury the dead flower. As it rots in the ground,love will be kindled in the heart of your chosen one and they will soon make themselves known to you.

For spiritual assistance, email me on

I believe you can do the spell on your own !!!

Kolade Akintola

Anonymous said...

A Spell to Find Love for the First Time

There’s no need to perform the usual rituals apart from consecrating the
things you are going to use to cast this spell,which is designed for those who have never been in love before.

You will need:

A fresh, fragrant red rose
Several red candles

The night you make the magic, establish the time the sun will rise next
morning and just before you go to bed, put the red rose on your altar
with a red candle on either side of it. Set your alarm for a few minutes
before sunrise.

On awakening, take the rose outside, face the dawn (or if you live in a
flat, stand before an open window facing east) and say:

Red rose,true love’s flower,
Please lend me your power,
To give someone my heart,
And never shall we part.
And let it be done,that it harm no one.

Put the rose back in its place on the altar and light the two candles.Spend a minute or two focused on the flames, visualizing love warming the heart of the one you desire. Repeat the ritual each night until the rose fades,using the flames of the dying candles to light new ones.When the rose dies, extinguish the candles either by snuffing them with your fingers or with a candle snuffer and bury the dead flower. As it rots in the ground,love will be kindled in the heart of your chosen one and they will soon make themselves known to you.

For spiritual assistance, email me on

I believe you can do the spell on your own !!!

Kolade Akintola

Lord Game Over said...

No name person that said i'm a scam. I said is a scam on this blog. Ms. Wilson posted her results...great fake story why don't you try him since Ms. wilson said he is so good. See i'm helping you mend your broken heart...good luck...Lol

holleymartyholley...uae said...

Got my wife back with ease without the stress of locating a real spell caster.

Wondering why some people can be careless on this issue of contacting a wrong spell caster, it requires maximum precautions to contact one. how will you just explain all your problems to a spell caster over the email without a word to word chat over the phone .Am wondering how this people perfectly explain their problems in that way.

i have come across several spell casters and i can perfectly state which one is real or fake . i know the ones i have worked it that did a good job for me and those that i linked up with the right spell caster. we use our common sense to take risks in life not the back of our head.

contact me if you need the phone numbers of the psychic that helped or any useful information and stop getting ripped off by those scoundrels. you can email me

Anonymous said...

Lord game over, don't tell people that you're helping them on this blog becuse you're only contributing nuisance here. So stay away from all these and mind your own business. Let people try there luck and do things on there own.

Anonymous said...

I'm actually thankful for Lord Game Over... He definitely has helped alot of people by saving money. Well, he certainly did for me...-Nice

Anonymous said...

Game over dude, Yes you reveal scammers, but its all a plot for you to scam pple, you yourself are a scammer. I v seen some of your posts and emails, you use different country's Ip, this minute you are in the USA, the other, your ip says you are in UK. Stop bein a coward and get the hell out of here!!!

Lord Game Over said...

Anoter person got scammed. The story goes like this. Send 100 dollars cash that you rub all over your body. Of course the package gets to Nigeria and the money was missing. Then the story changes to send money that you worked for yourself...of course cash again but this time it's 300.00. The client refuses then the story goes send the 300 dollars by western union and I will have my cousin who has ID pick it up. People wakeup and stop sending these people your money. This is just another way to scam. Bad thing is the person came to me for a spell caster willing to do the work for nothing in advance. The client sent the 100 dollars the caster requested without me knowing and now she got scammed.

Lord Game Over said...

So I see you visit the forums I post on. So idiot take the time to read my post where I admitted that I change my location to prove to people how easy for scammers to do the same. So since I am scamming, why don't you tell me what I am trying to gain...I may want to do it who knows since people are so willing to give money away. If you must know I actually live in Canada not that its non of your business.

Lord Game Over said...

People look...I have said a thousands time you can use any scammer here you want to. But when you get scammed don't complain about it...because it will happen if you use anyone con man on this blog 100% guranteed! The only people post results here are the con men pretending to be clients. Ask for proof and see how far that gets you. They play on your emotions! that is a fact!

Anonymous said...
Lord game over, don't tell people that you're helping them on this blog becuse you're only contributing nuisance here. So stay away from all these and mind your own business. Let people try there luck and do things on there own.

November 10, 2011 1:04 AM

Lord Game Over said...

The con men are just pissed because I am telling people about all the little tricks they use to get your money. Feast or's going to be famine for you con men for a while because i'm not going anywhere!Some of the stories about spells that worked are so pathetic I can’t comprehend why anyone with would fall for it. Emotions makes you make bad choices people. Be back to scam later by telling the truth about you liars...TTYL

Edna said...

Yes you are right. Virtually, every e-mail, every website and every psychic mentioned on here are fake, and i think are probably the same set of people who have multiple e-mails and run multiple scams on one person, isn't that very smart of them? you have to WAKE UP people. I checked most of the e-mails i received from them, and most of them come from the same fucking set of ip's.. Only a few are real, and even the real ones do not charge chicken change for spells. Real spells are very these scammers offer you cheap price to attract you, but they never give you results, do they?..HELL NO!!...The only way to get a real and Genuine psychic is to contact a spell consultation facility, they will help you sort for the best psychic for your situation, and they will send you the psychics easy as that!! STOP biting around the bush and stop getting played in turns on here...i know of only one spell consultation facility at the moment, and they have a blog where you can request for pyschics details and contacts, and also you can lay complaints and suggestions on their comment section. that is pretty much easier, safer and better.. the blog is:

I hope this helps all of you. The wise ones who listen.

Kim said...

It hurts to know that there are people out there that are ready to toy with your emotions just because you need help!!! & even more that they will do it over&over again if you give 'em the chance... Gossshhh it hurts!!! To all you bullshit scammers... R.I.P!!! Be dead already!!!

Lord Game Over said...

Spell Caster agrees to work with no money for anything until after more below.

Folks I have spent well over a month seeking a single spell caster that will work for no money in advance.

I still have not found any caster where I can confirm results. I also made a public offer to pay 1 caster 5,000 dollars to get 1 person results.

I recently received a message from a caster that stated that he will work for you and will not collect anything at all until you see your results. He is asking for 4,000 USD once you get your results.

My advice is to not undertake this unless you are certain you will have the funds requested if you happen to get results. This is the same spell caster that offered to do spell for no money up front until November, but he has agreed to extend his offer to try and prove that he is real.

Again I have not confirmed any of his work so I do not know if he will get you results. As a reminder spell work takes time, patience and a great deal of faith nothing happens overnight.

Please remember not to send the caster a single dime until after results I cannot stress this enough.

The way I see it, is you have nothing to lose if you get no results and what you were seeking in you do get results.

You can keep giving a couple of hundred dollars here and there in advance for false promises or you can put your time and effort into someone willing to work with you for nothing in advance, if you can afford it try it out and please keep me posted. His email address is

And you can reach me at I have no problems with sharing the converstaions between him an I. I stess again I know nothing about this caster except he said he will do the work for 0 dollars in advance.

Anonymous said...

To the person on papajougauma or whatever his name is when he does yours and you get result please do let me know because he is fake.

Elizabeth said...

i felt victim about 2months ago but now i found a real spell caster that gives me exactly what i want. Am not here to sweet mouth or to advertise to anyone but just want to share my feelings and experience with others here. if you are interested in knowing more about this spell caster you can get back to me at

Anonymous said...

I wonder why so many uses funny names and pretend to be what they are not just to get a lot of people deceived.. They give fake stories to attract others... BE WISE... Anyone that ask you for money before results is a scam..there lots of prove about this and they are now exposed. talk to me here for real casters. i am saying this so as to help others from been hurt and to fulfill the promise of letting the world knows her good name.

Phillips said...

can't believe there are real casters in here after alot...... Please be careful so you wont fall into there trap. For more info

Lord Game Over said...

People be wise! the only people getting results who post on these blogs and forums are the con men. To date not a single person who have posted an amil address saying they got results have been able to provide proof.

Kim said...

Hey LGO!! I see you with the good work!!! Its a continuous pain in the heart every time am in front of the keyboard... Reminiscing on how much I've lost to the hands of this fraudsters!!! Its just only consoling to finally be able to get results after so much trial&error... Now i believe that in this wild world full of bad and wicked people... There are the real ones too, and they are only a hand few of them.. One of which is "Tabitha"... I met her a while ago after series of scams have torched me... And she made a difference... I intentionally said nothing about her till now that the results are visible!!.. Ma baby is right now in my room and joy has finally filled my hearth again!!! She goes by d single name as I've stated above!! And her contact!!

I wish you all the best!!! And pls be very watchfull!! This scam artist are far more intelligent than you think!!

Lord Game Over said...

Kim on the 12th you dammed all casters to hell basically. On the 16th you report that you have know a caster for a while that got you results...come on now...sorry not buying that one. Have to say I think you are running a scam here girly. If you have some proof to bak up your me with all the emails between you and the caster, I want and ID to prove you are real and finally a copy of the payment information. If you really want to help people then that would not be asking for much with all the scamming going on.

Kim said...
Hey LGO!! I see you with the good work!!! Its a continuous pain in the heart every time am in front of the keyboard... Reminiscing on how much I've lost to the hands of this fraudsters!!! Its just only consoling to finally be able to get results after so much trial&error... Now i believe that in this wild world full of bad and wicked people... There are the real ones too, and they are only a hand few of them.. One of which is "Tabitha"... I met her a while ago after series of scams have torched me... And she made a difference... I intentionally said nothing about her till now that the results are visible!!.. Ma baby is right now in my room and joy has finally filled my hearth again!!! She goes by d single name as I've stated above!! And her contact!!

I wish you all the best!!! And pls be very watchfull!! This scam artist are far more intelligent than you think!!

Anonymous said...

I just found something very interesting it would be worth checking out.spellcast result that i got in 9days.I saw a caster that helped me though and i even met him in person during my spell cast..Thanks for these sites that reveal the scammers out to me here and know who really put an end to my journey round the web.found solutions to my love issues..

Lord Game Over said...

What will happen when you send a con man money western union for a spell.

1. You will receive a message saying the spell didn't work because of some fake reason

2. They will ask for more money for a more powerful spell

3. when the more powerful spell fails, they will ask for more money for a super powerful spell

4. when that fails, they ask for more money and you tell them no, they move on to the next sucker.

I get the same story from every person who emails me. Wake up these people are not real! False hope is all they are offering to you! Everyday I receive 5 or more emails from people who have been scammed by the same people advertising here.

NO RESULTS = NO Money! Stick with that policy!

Also, you fake casters sending me emails about cursing me...I'm shaking in my shoes...Lol. You can't even do a money spell and get it you don't scare me at all you clowns.

Lord Game Over said...

Reminder...No results means no money. Tell the con men to go find a real job. They are going nuts because the money well has started to dry up. It's a new dawn ion the horizon and all good things must come to an end.

Remember people all the stories you read about results on the blogs and forums are 100% fake.

Lord Game Over said...

Received another email today from another lady who wants to kill herself because of how many times a con man has gained her trust, made he think she was getting what she asked for. When she ran out of money the con man stopped communicating with many people here had this happen to them? It's the same story all the's getting old people. You keep giving these people money after all these warnings.

Lord Game Over said...

I have received more emails about Yaya Marie this week than any other time and the week just started. So I am going to answer some of the questions here.

1. She is 100% real
2. She is extremely busy since Karyn and I mentioned her here
3. I have never had work done by her because she did not feel she could get me results
4.I know of 1 case where she was able to get someone results and it took her 2 months
5. She does not offer a 100% Guarantee on her work, and any caster that offers that is fake.
6. I do not know if she can get you results, you will have to discuss your situation with her and she will tell you is she thinks she can help you.

And finally, I do not know her. I was told about her and just as I do with all the other people who claim to be spell casters, I check them out and see if I can find someone who has actually gotten results. I did exactly that with yaya and found a client that had results who shared the details with me.

Lord Game Over said...

I received some very disturbing news about a caster that post on the blogs and forums offering helpful advise. It would appear to be a trick to get people to contact him. He will get you no results. He had come to me previously and I was not able to confirm a single reference he gave. His stories were not accurate at all. Because he did not advertise I left him alone. He is doing the same thing all the con men are doing. The first spell didn't work so he needs more monet to do more spells. We all know that drill right! well Please stay away from Kolade, we can add him as a confirmed con man.


Kolade your well is about to run dry!

Kolade said...

I know your Trick Lordgameover:
You turn yourself to a small Lord and you think you are doing the right thing.

Let the Person in question come out and Tell the world how things goes between us. Did I ever collect any money from you?

I made a love and brake up spell for a woman, regarding her case, She saw me when I was casting it and I did it , she saw everything I did for her on webcam , never hide my Identity, I told her before the start of the spell a spirit will descend on her and after the spell she confirmed it to me that she felt a spirit on her, her spirit is not strong enough to carry it and she told me what she is experiencing and i told her to relax and take some sleeping drugs.

The second day, her EX came to her and told her He loves Her the more. but she is engaged with another woman.

After the spell, the Ex always come around to show her love but the bearer of him having another wife with Kids is there.

This woman testify to the Love spell that it is working but she want the break up spell working too, I told her what to do, and she said she cant get it.

I told her so send me the materials I will use for the break up she couldn't and she suggest paying me.

All I could get now is a mail from this so called Lordgameover calling me scam when am not.

I left you all alone and watching out for your trick. I have consulted the oracle regarding your aim on here and it has been revealed.

Kolade said...

I know your Trick Lordgameover:
You turn yourself to a small Lord and you think you are doing the right thing.

Let the Person in question come out and Tell the world how things goes between us. Did I ever collect any money from you?

I made a love and brake up spell for a woman, regarding her case, She saw me when I was casting it and I did it , she saw everything I did for her on webcam , never hide my Identity, I told her before the start of the spell a spirit will descend on her and after the spell she confirmed it to me that she felt a spirit on her, her spirit is not strong enough to carry it and she told me what she is experiencing and i told her to relax and take some sleeping drugs.

The second day, her EX came to her and told her He loves Her the more. but she is engaged with another woman.

After the spell, the Ex always come around to show her love but the bearer of him having another wife with Kids is there.

This woman testify to the Love spell that it is working but she want the break up spell working too, I told her what to do, and she said she cant get it.

I told her so send me the materials I will use for the break up she couldn't and she suggest paying me.

All I could get now is a mail from this so called Lordgameover calling me scam when am not.

I left you all alone and watching out for your trick. I have consulted the oracle regarding your aim on here and it has been revealed.

Kolade said...

I know your Trick Lordgameover:
You turn yourself to a small Lord and you think you are doing the right thing.

Let the Person in question come out and Tell the world how things goes between us. Did I ever collect any money from you?

I made a love and brake up spell for a woman, regarding her case, She saw me when I was casting it and I did it , she saw everything I did for her on webcam , never hide my Identity, I told her before the start of the spell a spirit will descend on her and after the spell she confirmed it to me that she felt a spirit on her, her spirit is not strong enough to carry it and she told me what she is experiencing and i told her to relax and take some sleeping drugs.

The second day, her EX came to her and told her He loves Her the more. but she is engaged with another woman.

After the spell, the Ex always come around to show her love but the bearer of him having another wife with Kids is there.

This woman testify to the Love spell that it is working but she want the break up spell working too, I told her what to do, and she said she cant get it.

I told her so send me the materials I will use for the break up she couldn't and she suggest paying me.

All I could get now is a mail from this so called Lordgameover calling me scam when am not.

I left you all alone and watching out for your trick. I have consulted the oracle regarding your aim on here and it has been revealed.

Alimat said...

dont know the right word i can use for this caster, he just retrieved my lost love back. If you want to know what am talking about, talk to me on

Lord Game Over said...

I have the right word for ready? here you go....

S C A M M E R!

Take your lies and go someplace else LIAR!

Alimat said...
dont know the right word i can use for this caster, he just retrieved my lost love back. If you want to know what am talking about, talk to me on

November 24, 2011 6:05 AM



It was my pleasure to post the following email on all the blogs and forums to alert people of the following scammer. NO RESULTS = NO MONEY scammer!


Lord Game Over said...

Kolade, No trich here you are doing the same thing all the scammers are doing. One spell does not work so you keep asking for more money...kepp fucking around, I have the proof. Anyone want to see it email me at

I am not here to play games! Kolade has given me names of clients to confirm he was real. In one email he told me it was the lady Adia that got results in a second email he told me it was the client David that got results, Adia and David were supposed to be a which one was the client the man or the woman...I have all those emails you theif and a lot more all about you from people who came to you for services...I suggest this is a path you should not go down with me.

You are a liar and a theif Kolade!

Lord Game Over said...

Kolade....hahahahah you are too funny. I consulted with my oracle and they told me you are a theif. I have no aim but to stop this scam game. I'm not poor nor am I broke so I don't want anthing but to stop people like you from stealing money. My oracle is GOD and he has more power than anyone you will ever consult with...looser!

I left you all alone and watching out for your trick. I have consulted the oracle regarding your aim on here and it has been revealed.

Lord Game Over said...

I am a scammer as well, just dont want these people to be ahead of me.

Anonymous said...

Good Day

We at the SPELL VERIFICATION TEAM wont relent in our effort in making sure that everyone on this blog gets the very best of spell, after so many investigations, we discovered that their are still lots of fake spell casters on this blog and as part of our effort, we have introduced and collaborate with the FEDERAL BUREAU of INVESTIGATION (F.B.I) to help us fish out all those involved in scam all over this blogs by tracking them down and bringing them to book...
On the other hand, we are urging you that you make inquiries with us at ( before contacting any spell caster from this blog to avoid being scammed...

We are fully prepared to clear this bad people and make sure that you get the very best of spell while we'll get you a spell caster close to you for conveniency if necessary.

(a stitch in time saves nine)


Anonymous said...

Good Day

We at the SPELL VERIFICATION TEAM wont relent in our effort in making sure that everyone on this blog gets the very best of spell, after so many investigations, we discovered that their are still lots of fake spell casters on this blog and as part of our effort, we have introduced and collaborate with the FEDERAL BUREAU of INVESTIGATION (F.B.I) to help us fish out all those involved in scam all over this blogs by tracking them down and bringing them to book...
On the other hand, we are urging you that you make inquiries with us at ( before contacting any spell caster from this blog to avoid being scammed...

We are fully prepared to clear this bad people and make sure that you get the very best of spell while we'll get you a spell caster close to you for conveniency if necessary.

(a stitch in time saves nine)


Anonymous said... does it all... he is a very powerful old-man,he originates from a powerful family of the IFA lineage. He would bring your lost love back,heal you of any type of illness,make you pass any exams or interview. for more private discussion, e-mail him and tell him your problems..., give him a trial you have nothing to loose

Anonymous said... does it all... he is a very powerful old-man,he originates from a powerful family of the IFA lineage. He would bring your lost love back,heal you of any type of illness,make you pass any exams or interview. for more private discussion, e-mail him and tell him your problems..., give him a trial you have nothing to loose

Stacy said...

hi everyone,am Stacy i just met a spell-caster who has recently been helping me out and i think is real,though i am yet to see the final result but am seeing some changes,inbox me( if you are interested so we'd talk better.

Lord Game Over said...

Funny post! now someone else is posting using my name. So tell me if I am a scammer what amd I trying to gain? Also your english is incorrect, we do not say "I just don't want these people to get ahead of me" your statement does not make any sense idiot.

I am not a spell caster or a con man, I am not here asking for money but have offered money for a real spell caster to come forward.

I am here to simply keep people from being scammed by the con men posting here. Take my advice or leave it...Just know when you do no heed the warnings, I am 100% sure you will lose your money, I am 100% sure they will ask for more money to do a more powerful spell and I am 100% sure you will not get any results.

Lord Game Over said...
I am a scammer as well, just dont want these people to be ahead of me.

November 25, 2011 2:22 PM

Lord Game over said...

Scam Alert!

stephen said...

hi, my name is stephen i live in butterfield texas U.S.A. i am presently in Nigeria to study Afriecan studies, the Head Of My Department is a very powerfull spell caster. i and my friends have witnessed his work and we can testify to it. If any one is interested feel free to mail me ( This is not scam it is real and i have witnessed and can testify to him any where. Thanks

stephen said...

hi, my name is stephen i live in butterfield texas U.S.A. i am presently in Nigeria to study Afriecan studies, the Head Of My Department is a very powerfull spell caster. i and my friends have witnessed his work and we can testify to it. If any one is interested feel free to mail me ( This is not scam it is real and i have witnessed and can testify to him any where. Thanks

Anonymous said...

you can not condemn someone to be a scammer when you have not tried him/her. There are professional spell casters who are real so please judge no one you haven't tried and stop black mailing..

Ifaseun said...

Professor Wande Abimbola, Awise Awo Agbaye (World Spokesperson for Ifa) is the President and Founder of the Ifa Heritage Institute, Nigeria. He has served as Special Adviser to the President of Nigeria on Cultural Affairs and Traditional Matters, Vice Chancellor (President) of the University of Ife (now Obafemi Awolowo University) and Majority Leader of the Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. He was installed as Awise in 1981 by the Ooni of Ife on the recommendation of a conclave of Babalawos of Yorubaland in West Africa.

Abimbola received his first degree in History from the University College, Ibadan in 1963, when that college was a college of London University. He received his Master's Degree in Linguistics from Northwestern University in 1966, and his Ph.D. in Yoruba Literature in 1971 from the University of Lagos. He became a full Professor in 1976.

Professor Abimbola has written many books on Ifa and Yoruba culture. Some of his well-known works include Ifa Will Mend Our Broken World (1997); Ifa: An Exposition of Ifa Literary Corpus (1976); Sixteen Great Poems of Ifa (1975); Ifa Divination Poetry (1977); Yoruba Oral Literature (1995). He has also written several books in the Yoruba language, including: Ijinle Ohun Enu Ifa (Apa Kini, 1968 and Apa Keji, 1979) and Awon Oju Odu Mereerindinlogun (1977).

The Awise's academic background is very much rooted in oral tradition. He was an apprentice in Ifa chanting and oral artistry before he began formal schooling. The Awise Agbaye has taught in three Nigerian universities, namely the University of Ibadan from 1963-5, University of Lagos from 1966-72, and the University of Ife from 1972-91. He has also taught at several U.S. universities, including Indiana University, Amherst College, Harvard University, Boston University, Colgate University, and most recently, the University of Louisville.

Born in 1932 in the historic city of Oyo, the Awise comes from a family of tradition bearers. His late father, Abimbola Iroko, a renowned hunter and warrior whose brave exploits are still being celebrated by Ijala oral artists, was the Asipade (Leader of the Ogun Community) of Oyo until his death in 1971. His late mother, a high priest of Sango, lived mentally and physically well until the age of 107.
He his popularly known and real, get back at me if you need him. Thanks

Anonymous said... does it all... he is a very powerful old-man,he originates from a powerful family of the IFA lineage. He would bring your lost love back,heal you of any type of illness,make you pass any exams or interview. for more private discussion, e-mail him and tell him your problems...

doctor said...

i am ibrahim, a well trained sudan man,i am a psychic magicking and also a spiritual helper,Do you want to make positive changes in your life? Are you having problems with love, work, finances, or is life just generally getting you down? no matter how hard it looks like, If you would like to make some positive changes in any area of your life I can help you make those changes by working with the positive energies of the universe to attract love, happiness, prosperity and help to make your dream come true. I can do this by providing you with a customized spell that is safe, effective and powerful.Over the years I have helped many people to make their wishes and desires a reality. Some people have reservations and certain misconceptions about the use of spells and how they work. If you are such a person I will be happy to discuss any questions you have .Please note that I will only work with positive energies to bring about happiness and positivity if you would like to know more please contact me on via and I will be pleased to help you.

joy said...

tnks to a great IFA man who safe my house back after 5months,which my husband sent me packing and now beg me coming back and paying me fine for the broken mnths.tnks to……………

doctor said...

So I also found this on Prophetess DOC which all of this is now smelling like a scam:
magical spells really work!! I never thought there were still honest, genuine, trustworthy and very powerful spell casters until i met the spiritual helper, prophetess doc. last week she did a healing spell for me and it worked effectively and now she just did another healing spell for my friend who had cancer of the lungs too. she... charged only $3000 and the cancer is totally gone, this is the best solution to get rid of cancer totally. I just thought it would be good to let you all of you my friends know about this, because i was once a cancer patient until i was healed by this woman. she does all spells, Love spells, money spells, lottery spells e.t.c
her e-mail is:, if you want to ask me anything my e-mail is:
Kind Regards,

Cindy said...

please does any one knows anything about baba aboye? i have contacted him and he is proving to b real, i just wanna know if he has cast spells for any one before. thanks

bobby said...

please who knows anything about this professor abimbola,i searched him on Google and he appears real. please i need his link.

Lord Game Over said...

Only a fool woul give someone a trial...obviously not a post from a real client. Remember people Do not pay anything until you get results. None of these people can prove they have had any success casting spells for any real person.

Anonymous said... does it all... he is a very powerful old-man,he originates from a powerful family of the IFA lineage. He would bring your lost love back,heal you of any type of illness,make you pass any exams or interview. for more private discussion, e-mail him and tell him your problems..., give him a trial you have nothing to loose

November 26, 2011 2:23 AM

Lord Game Over said...

Stephen I sent you an email. It's interesting that you found your way to a scam blog to share your story...don't worry I sent you an email. If you are wondering if I think you are here scamming...yes I do. So be prepared to give me all the information on the university so I can contact them directly to validate you claim.

stephen said...
hi, my name is stephen i live in butterfield texas U.S.A. i am presently in Nigeria to study Afriecan studies, the Head Of My Department is a very powerfull spell caster. i and my friends have witnessed his work and we can testify to it. If any one is interested feel free to mail me ( This is not scam it is real and i have witnessed and can testify to him any where. Thanks

Lord Game Over said...

Ifaseun not sure what your angle is here? The information you provided is available on the internet and I thought you were a spell caster as well????

Lord Game Over said...

Lets see first one person makes a post about the caster then minutes later the caster comes on to a scam blog to introduce himself...I smell a huge scam going on here. Read for yourself people and use common sense. It's not hard to figure this one out. does it all... he is a very powerful old-man,he originates from a powerful family of the IFA lineage. He would bring your lost love back,heal you of any type of illness,make you pass any exams or interview. for more private discussion, e-mail him and tell him your problems...

November 27, 2011 5:07 AM

Lord Game Over said...

professor abimbola is on the 419 spell scam page as a con man. Proceed if you wish not to take this advice. Remember NO RESULTS=NO MONEY

Lord Game Over said...

Never heard of the guy, could just be one of the old con men with a new name....not unsual at all. I would proceed with caution and ask for proof and see what he says. Most likely he will not be able to provide you with anything to validate his claim that he is a real spell caster. good luck if you chose to go down that path.

Cindy said...
please does any one knows anything about baba aboye? i have contacted him and he is proving to b real, i just wanna know if he has cast spells for any one before. thanks

Lord Game Over said...

Just saw a post that I made on new scammers a few days ago. I think some of the casters on another blog that I do not think I posted here and will not bother to check...but here is the email address of scammers that were mentioned on various forums.

Scam Alert

susan got love said...

hi, i'm Susan, this might sound like an advert, but take it as it is,couple of months ago my lover left me for another wasnt easy coping without him.he was everything to me, a father, a lover and a guidian, everything seem to be going wrong,,so i decided to grab the bull by the horn, and take actions after numerous pleas,text messages,emails, missed calls... i was online, then i came across a post about this love spellcaster,the testimony seemed kind of hard to believe but i gave it a trial and it worked.. solved my loveproblrm with he few nickel,he was back and better, relationship was renewed with passion and loveu can try him too prophetorisunbare at yahoo com

Anonymous said...


Fasegun said...

i can say it boldly to any one that i have the link to a very reliable spell caster who would render his services and results before asking for payment... Any interested person should reply my comment.

Kim said...

I just kept my faith in you papa and you did what i felt was impossible after years of going up and down, you need to try this for you to see, a friend introduced me to Johann and he did it for me. Meet the psychic of our time... He helped me get my HUSBAND back and i got a GOOD JOB. hit him on He is the best

Lord Game Over said...

Kim try again, I have complaints about your con man too....ut i'm so happy to hear you got results from him scammer.

Kim said...
I just kept my faith in you papa and you did what i felt was impossible after years of going up and down, you need to try this for you to see, a friend introduced me to Johann and he did it for me. Meet the psychic of our time... He helped me get my HUSBAND back and i got a GOOD JOB. hit him on He is the best

Lord Game over said...

Fasegun Come on now, do you really expect people to fall for this. If your caster is real tell him to email me at lordgameover@rocket i'll have someone test drive his spell. Keep in mind that not a single person who claims to be a caster or the people who advertise for them have proven to be real in any capicity. As a matter of fact when I cathch them in a lie they swear to put a curse on me...yea that is the sort of person anyone would want to do spell work for them. Real casters do do that crap.

You said...
i can say it boldly to any one that i have the link to a very reliable spell caster who would render his services and results before asking for payment... Any interested person should reply my comment.

Lord Game over said...

Scam Alert!

not a sigel caster has proven themself to be real. I receive over 30 emails per day from individuals who have been scammed from con men posting on this Blof and all the forums. Use anyone who post here at your own risk. I am 100% certain that they are all theives. A respectable caster would see what is happening here and not consider posting because he respects what he does for a living and his clients! That is a fact! Con men looking for money for christmas is all you will find here people. I warn you. Run like you are are fire. I too was a victim of several of the casters who post here so I know what I'm talking about.

Lord Game Over said...

Scam Alert!

not a single caster has proven themself to be real. I receive over 30 emails per day from individuals who have been scammed from con men posting on this Blof and all the forums. Use anyone who post here at your own risk. I am 100% certain that they are all theives. A respectable caster would see what is happening here and not consider posting because he respects what he does for a living and his clients! That is a fact! Con men looking for money for christmas is all you will find here people. I warn you. Run like you are are fire. I too was a victim of several of the casters who post here so I know what I'm talking about.

The money well is about to dry up for the con men.

Anonymous said...

Scam Alert!

not a single caster has proven themself to be real. I receive over 30 emails per day from individuals who have been scammed from con men posting on this Blof and all the forums. Use anyone who post here at your own risk. I am 100% certain that they are all theives. A respectable caster would see what is happening here and not consider posting because he respects what he does for a living and his clients! That is a fact! Con men looking for money for christmas is all you will find here people. I warn you. Run like you are are fire. I too was a victim of several of the casters who post here so I know what I'm talking about.

The money well is about to dry up for the con men.

Lord Game over said...

Scam Alert!

not a single caster has proven themself to be real. I receive over 30 emails per day from individuals who have been scammed from con men posting on this Blof and all the forums. Use anyone who post here at your own risk. I am 100% certain that they are all theives. A respectable caster would see what is happening here and not consider posting because he respects what he does for a living and his clients! That is a fact! Con men looking for money for christmas is all you will find here people. I warn you. Run like you are are fire. I too was a victim of several of the casters who post here so I know what I'm talking about.

The money well is about to dry up for the con men.

Fasegun said...

lord game over, please re-post your e-mail address the one you sent is not valid...

Lord Game Over said... I already received a message from you and replied. But will post my email again just in the event anyone else here who is saying they are a valid caster is interested. Again I am not looking to have work for myself. I simply have people who email me that is willing to work with casters for no advance fee before results. If you can't do that then please do not email me. I do not have time for games.

Fasegun said...
lord game over, please re-post your e-mail address the one you sent is not valid...

November 28, 2011 9:37 PM

Awo funfun said...

This is no scam, money after result guaranteed...

Kolade. said...

My Innocent people, there is a secrete I want to reveal about Lord Game over. I have my proofs. The so called lord game over is a scam !!!

If you need proofs email me

I pity people who are contacting him and asking him for real spell caster, Lord game over has outsmart you people, I have my profs and I will show it to whoever needs the proofs.


Scam !!

Kolade. said...

My Innocent people, there is a secrete I want to reveal about Lord Game over. I have my proofs. The so called lord game over is a scam !!!

If you need proofs email me

I pity people who are contacting him and asking him for real spell caster, Lord game over has outsmart you people, I have my profs and I will show it to whoever needs the proofs.


Scam !!

Kolade. said...

My Innocent people, there is a secrete I want to reveal about Lord Game over. I have my proofs. The so called lord game over is a scam !!!

If you need proofs email me

I pity people who are contacting him and asking him for real spell caster, Lord game over has outsmart you people, I have my profs and I will show it to whoever needs the proofs.


Scam !!

Kolade. said...

My Innocent people, there is a secrete I want to reveal about Lord Game over. I have my proofs. The so called lord game over is a scam !!!

If you need proofs email me

I pity people who are contacting him and asking him for real spell caster, Lord game over has outsmart you people, I have my profs and I will show it to whoever needs the proofs.


Scam !!

Kolade. said...

My Innocent people, there is a secrete I want to reveal about Lord Game over. I have my proofs. The so called lord game over is a scam !!!

If you need proofs email me

I pity people who are contacting him and asking him for real spell caster, Lord game over has outsmart you people, I have my profs and I will show it to whoever needs the proofs.


Scam !!

Kolade. said...

My Innocent people, there is a secrete I want to reveal about Lord Game over. I have my proofs. The so called lord game over is a scam !!!

If you need proofs email me

I pity people who are contacting him and asking him for real spell caster, Lord game over has outsmart you people, I have my profs and I will show it to whoever needs the proofs.


Scam !!

Lord Game Over said...

The scam casters have gone crazy. So many emails received. The deal is, the client wised up and stopped sending money to the caster...I am glad people are finally listening.

So guess what the scam castes are doing now? The idiots are starting to make threats. People if you spent thousands of dollars on a love spell and the idiot was not able to get you results, then what would make you think the idiot can curse you.

They are not real, they are nothing but low life crooks that cannot be productive humans in society, so they take advantage of people. They do not have the intelligence to do more than scam people. When the fools email you market it as spam.

You have already lost your money now stop listening to the lies. Ignore the idiots, after all isn’t that what they do to you when you tell them you have no more money? Think people.

Lord Game Over said...

The scam casters have gone crazy. So many emails received. The deal is, the client wised up and stopped sending money to the caster...I am glad people are finally listening.

So guess what the scam castes are doing now? The idiots are starting to make threats. People if you spent thousands of dollars on a love spell and the idiot was not able to get you results, then what would make you think the idiot can curse you.

They are not real, they are nothing but low life crooks that cannot be productive humans in society, so they take advantage of people. They do not have the intelligence to do more than scam people.

When the fools email you market it as spam. You have already lost your money now stop listening to the lies. Ignore the idiots, after all isn’t that what they do to you when you tell them you have no more money? Think people.

Lord Game Over said...

The first email I received from Kolade:

Message body

You can go ahead to validate me. I am ready for any question whatsoever you wish to ask.


From: Lord Game over
To: ""
Sent: Monday, September 26, 2011 7:21 AM
Subject: Your Post

I like how you operate and I like what you say. It is not intention to strike at anyone that is real. I am just trying to get rid of all the fake ones so the real casters can have a forum where people can get the help they need. With that being said, give me an opportunity to prove your integrity and your honesty. I know that real spell casters exist. People are tired of working with casters in nigeria, what sparked my interest in you is when you spoke of your father being an herbalist. I will not answer any questions about me until I can validate who you say you are? do you skype? I have much respect for ifa. look forward to finding out more about you and your work.

Lord Game Over said...

The second email I received from Kolade

Message body

Eleburuibon is a great man. My father is not all that educated but I want to take the glory of the family to high place.

From: Lord Game over
To: ""
Sent: Monday, September 26, 2011 7:27 AM
Subject: more information

so you know I learn of ifa from ifayemi Elebuibon from your country. Many people from you country say the are ifa and that is not good.

Lord Game Over said...

Third email I received from Kolade so far so good...he is working hard at gaining my trust

Okay.I am ready for any verification you need from M̲̅ε̲̣̣̣̥. Let us get started

On Wed Sep 28th, 2011 5:49 PM PDT Lord Game over wrote:

>I'm not calling you a scam but others are on the forum you tried to join today. People will not trust you even if you are real, you will have to prove yourself. I am just trying to help you understand.
>From: kolade Akintola
>Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2011 5:32 PM
>Subject: Re: more information
>Do you mean I am a scam? Couldn't understand the message deeply.
>On Wed Sep 28th, 2011 4:48 PM PDT Lord Game over wrote:
>>She is afraid and will not trust you at all. Did you know that you were already flagged as a scam in the forum you tried to join today? Your heart may be in the right place but no one will trust you until you prove your work. The thanks for that happening goes to all the fake spell casters everywhere. That is what you are up against and I can do nothing to change that.
>>From: kolade Akintola
>>Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2011 4:19 PM
>>Subject: Re: more information
>>Yes. I will help her out. I hope she will be sincere with M̲̅ε̲̣̣̣̥.
>>On Wed Sep 28th, 2011 3:51 PM PDT Lord Game over wrote:
>>>I sent someone to you to help with validating you. She is a real person looking for real help and I do not know her personally. Hopefully it will work out that you are very real.

Lord Game over said...

He did skype with someone, but look at the pile of crap he is selling


All is okay by M̲̅ε̲̣̣̣̥ ‎​Απϑ I have many proves to show him/her regarding the shrine. But there are some things I can't show because there is incantations backing it up because I don't want him/ her to get blind but I will prove to him/ her that I am real.

But lord game over some materials are costly but am helping the client at hand with the materials in our house , price of materials may be vary, I hate people getting hurt ‎​Απϑ I want us to change the story to a new era ‎​Απϑ punish the fake ones ‎​Απϑ it will serve as a lesson to the fake ones.

On Thu Sep 29th, 2011 9:30 AM PDT Lord Game over wrote:

>I am going to find someone I know to skype with you. I know that two people from the forums have contacted you. The forum that you tried to join blocked you and flagged you as a scam. What I am going to try and do is prove otherwise. So think of things that you are willing to show my friend that will prove that you are real. No matter what happens, you information will never disclosed in any public forum by me regardless of the outcome. You will have to trust me on that.
>From: kolade Akintola
>To: Lord Game over
>Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2011 11:32 PM
>Subject: Re: more information
>This is my skype name: kolade.akintola
>and my skype email is :

Lord Game Over said...

So I stopped taling to the Idiot because he could never provide any proof of any of his work, so he emails me with a bullshit spell knowing that people can't find half the suff he mentioned. He was just trying to get people to email him so he could tell them he could help...classic game.

From: kolade Akintola
To: Lord Game over
Sent: Thursday, November 3, 2011 4:02 AM
Subject: How are you doing!!

Hello Lordgameover.

how are you doing and it has been long have read from you, Hope you are doing Good.

Just checking on you and I have a new spell to share with you.

Maples, horse chestnuts, mistletoe and ash trees have long been used to restore peace where quarrels have broken out.If you can find one that is divided just above the base of the trunk so that you can climb through it with little difficulty, all the better

You need:

An old scarf long enough to go right round the tree
Holding the scarf in your hand you pass through the cleft in the tree

nine times counter-clockwise saying:

Where there is pain,
Let friendship now reign.
And let it be done,that it harm no one.

If you cannot climb through the tree, simply walk around it.
Now do the same again, nine times clockwise, saying:

May bitterness end,
And ill feelings mend.
And let it be done,that it harm no one.

Now loop the scarf right round the tree and tie three knots to bind the
ends together.As you tie the knots say:

Knot one,sorrow end.
Knot two,be us friend
Knot three,heal the pain,
Let love flow again.
And let it be done,that it harm no one.

After you have thanked the tree for its grace, make your way home and
ask yourself if there is any reason not to make a gesture of reconciliation
towards the person with whom you have quarreled. And even if you
think there is, why not ignore it and make one anyway?

Its a spell to restore friendship, you can share with others you know and I will keep you updated with new development.

I do wish people can cast spell on their own.

From: Lord Game over
To: kolade Akintola
Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2011 12:00 AM
Subject: Re: more information

thank you for your quick reply to both emails. One of the biggest problems people encounter with spell casters in any country varies as such.

1. The caster says for a certain amount they can solve the problem

2. When the problem is not solved they tell the client they need more money

3. then they tell the client in order for the spell to work they have to send them various items in the mail

4. To mail the items from your country they often try to charge 500.00 or more and I know for a fact that shipping a small package from your country does not cost 500.00 or more.

What do you think your family can offer to those seeking a real caster. Right now the overall conscious is that people do not want to pay unless they see results. If a caster can state that results are guaranteed then the caster should have no problem waiting to get paid after results....I agree with that thought process. I had myself fallen victim to several casters over the past few years and all I am asking is for one caster to help at least one person who gets results. If they get results from the selected caster, I will pay the caster. I would then pay the caster for an additional 4 clients so the caster can build a valid reputation. Tell me honestly where are you located? What country did your email originate from? I already have the answer. Are you willing to skype with potential clients so they can see who they are working with? The name on yor email is that your real name?This is not to play games but part of validating a person is verifying integrity. And yes Elebuibon is a great man. A caster than can prove his work can be worth his price in gold.

Lord Game Over said...

So Kolade you bore me. I am something you are not capable of ever's called honest.. Look the word up if you know how to read because obviously you need to know what the meaning is. You are such a little Punk. Go get a real job!

Lord Game Over said...

I am 100% certain if anyone here uses Kolade you will not get any results. He is nothing more than a street bumb tring to make a buck. Feel free to try him and when he runs off with your money be sure to come back and tell us, I assure you that will be your fate if you western union money to this crook. Proceed at your own risk.

Lord Game Over said...

I encourage you all to email Kolade to request the proof he says he has against me LGO. Here is his email which is posted several times on the blog and also in his message below.

Kolade. said...
My Innocent people, there is a secrete I want to reveal about Lord Game over. I have my proofs. The so called lord game over is a scam !!!

If you need proofs email me

I pity people who are contacting him and asking him for real spell caster, Lord game over has outsmart you people, I have my profs and I will show it to whoever needs the proofs.

Kolade. said...

From the start , we all who lordgameover is, she never disclosed her Identity, when you check other forum, you will see a lot of her post there. she made analysis of how much a scammer can make. Lordgameover contacted me with different email.

From: William Gale
To: ""
Sent: Friday, September 30, 2011 4:26 AM

hey i saw you were having trouble gaining some trust. i cant help you with that all for a little cost. ive been doing this for a long time. i can show you the people ive worked with and still working with. they are all known as scams now but they made a lot of money before poeple figured out they were scams. some still try them. id love to help them but gotta help myself first. we all know there aint anyone real online. we can work under what you have now or even create a whole new site or both. i can post as someone saying im trying you and pretending to be skeptical and then saying i got results and if they need proof they can email me. i can post as different people changing my speaking style and also know how to hide or change the ip. so let me know if you are interested. there is nothing to lose. the key is not to go overboard with it and only post in a few places or it definitely looks like a scam. let me know how much you have made and i'll tell you how much more you can make. this fucking lord game over person is ruining it for everyone. but tehre are ways around it cause people are desperate. i got some people under me that are still learning to build sites and stuff that can assist you for free for a given time. i love money and would love to do some business.

There are lots more and I will publish it out. She is from CANADA and she know everything about the scam and finding people to work with.

I do save the chat I had with her. I will post it in a bit.

She made an offer so as to see who will join her in the scam, she calls every body on the website a scam, and she made decisions for spell seekers,

Her next action is to introduce to you all her fake spell caster that is and encourage you to work with him, she doesnt want any spell caster that will do things on his own , she will rather call him/ her a fake but she wants everything to be under her control. so as to make the amount she wanted.

dont get fooled by her tricks, she recently introduce a spell caster to you all now claiming she got a person result in 2 month, why dont you verify your self???

she is encouraging people to use Yaya.

in our chat when I was interrogating her, she has worked with many popular fake spell caster like ashra spell and the likes. you will see it in the chat.

Be wise,

Kolade. said...

IM Oct 01 4:10 PM

Oct 01 4:06 PM
Oct 01 4:06 PM
galewilliam90:i can help you out for free so you can see how much more business you get
Oct 01 4:07 PM
galewilliam90:and then you can decide if you want to work together
Oct 01 4:07 PM
kolade Akintola:Lol
Oct 01 4:07 PM
kolade Akintola:Who are you ‎​Απϑ where are you from
Oct 01 4:07 PM
galewilliam90:money is never funny
Oct 01 4:07 PM
kolade Akintola:??
Oct 01 4:07 PM
galewilliam90:you seem like you are new to this game
Oct 01 4:08 PM
galewilliam90:it doesnt matter who i am
Oct 01 4:08 PM
kolade Akintola:what is your name ‎​Απϑ where are you from ?
Oct 01 4:08 PM
galewilliam90:it only matters that i can help u make tons of money
Oct 01 4:08 PM
kolade Akintola:Lord game over
Oct 01 4:08 PM
galewilliam90:nope that bastard ruining business
Oct 01 4:09 PM
kolade Akintola:What is your real name
Oct 01 4:09 PM
kolade Akintola:?
Oct 01 4:09 PM
galewilliam90:why does it matter
Oct 01 4:09 PM
kolade Akintola:Your location
Oct 01 4:09 PM
kolade Akintola:Yes

Kolade. said...

Oct 01 4:09 PM
kolade Akintola:It does
Oct 01 4:09 PM
kolade Akintola:Can we skype chat ?
Oct 01 4:09 PM
Oct 01 4:09 PM
kolade Akintola:I need to see who am talking to
Oct 01 4:10 PM
galewilliam90:are you gonna cast a fake spell on me. look ive worked with many fakes before and helped them make money
Oct 01 4:10 PM
kolade Akintola:‎​Απϑ. You see whom you are talking to
Oct 01 4:10 PM
galewilliam90:ok i can do that
Oct 01 4:10 PM
galewilliam90:does that mean you want to do business
Oct 01 4:10 PM
galewilliam90:cause i dont want to show my face for no reason
Oct 01 4:10 PM
kolade Akintola:Of what benefit to you
Oct 01 4:10 PM
kolade Akintola:Let us skype chat
Oct 01 4:10 PM
kolade Akintola:We need to see

IM Oct 01 4:15 PM

Oct 01 4:10 PM
kolade Akintola:Am not a fake
Oct 01 4:11 PM
kolade Akintola:‎​Απϑ I think you are not a fake either
Oct 01 4:11 PM
kolade Akintola:Let us skype chat
Oct 01 4:11 PM
galewilliam90:i know they are all real
Oct 01 4:11 PM
galewilliam90:im from canada
Oct 01 4:11 PM
kolade Akintola:Cool
Oct 01 4:11 PM
kolade Akintola:Can I call you
Oct 01 4:11 PM
kolade Akintola:?
Oct 01 4:12 PM
galewilliam90:i dont need my info circulating around
Oct 01 4:12 PM
galewilliam90:you can only call me if you like to do business
Oct 01 4:12 PM
kolade Akintola:I promise you that
Oct 01 4:12 PM
kolade Akintola:I will not circulate your info
Oct 01 4:12 PM
kolade Akintola:What kind of business
Oct 01 4:12 PM
kolade Akintola:Are you talking about
Oct 01 4:12 PM
galewilliam90:because you are fake like the ones i work for
Oct 01 4:12 PM
Oct 01 4:13 PM
kolade Akintola:I am not a Fake
Oct 01 4:13 PM
kolade Akintola:‎​Απϑ by the way who do you work for ?
Oct 01 4:13 PM
galewilliam90:ok well then we cant do business.
Oct 01 4:13 PM
galewilliam90:i used to work for ashra and mother deity but i cant tell you who i work for now

Kolade. said...

Oct 01 4:14 PM
kolade Akintola:Who is ashra
Oct 01 4:14 PM
Oct 01 4:14 PM
kolade Akintola:‎​Απϑ who is mother deity
Oct 01 4:14 PM
galewilliam90:both are spell casters
Oct 01 4:14 PM
galewilliam90:you can look them up on google
Oct 01 4:15 PM
kolade Akintola:Where are they located ?
Oct 01 4:15 PM
galewilliam90:ashra in the US
Oct 01 4:15 PM
galewilliam90:and mother in nigeria
Oct 01 4:15 PM
kolade Akintola:Cool
Oct 01 4:15 PM
kolade Akintola:Where is ashra located in USA

IM Oct 01 4:24 PM

Oct 01 4:15 PM
kolade Akintola:‎​Απϑ also mother diet
Oct 01 4:15 PM
galewilliam90:why does it matter
Oct 01 4:16 PM
kolade Akintola:It mater
Oct 01 4:16 PM
galewilliam90:ashra is a company so there are more then one people running the business
Oct 01 4:16 PM
kolade Akintola:Okay
Oct 01 4:16 PM
kolade Akintola:‎​Απϑ mother diet
Oct 01 4:17 PM
kolade Akintola:?
Oct 01 4:17 PM
kolade Akintola:Are you speechless ?
Oct 01 4:18 PM
Oct 01 4:18 PM
galewilliam90:no never speechless
Oct 01 4:19 PM
galewilliam90:what happened
Oct 01 4:19 PM
kolade Akintola:Okay
Oct 01 4:19 PM
kolade Akintola:What kind of business do you run?
Oct 01 4:20 PM
galewilliam90:i told you i write testimonials for companies from different ips and names
Oct 01 4:20 PM
galewilliam90:and also make websites
Oct 01 4:20 PM
galewilliam90:and in some cases collect payments for them if they are located elsewhere
Oct 01 4:22 PM
kolade Akintola:Lol
Oct 01 4:22 PM
kolade Akintola:You are those fakes online
Oct 01 4:22 PM
kolade Akintola:Ripping off innocent people that's needs help

Kolade. said...

Oct 01 4:22 PM
galewilliam90:yea like i said and so are you
Oct 01 4:22 PM
galewilliam90:stop playing around we are in the same business
Oct 01 4:23 PM
galewilliam90:we should help each other
Oct 01 4:23 PM
galewilliam90:and i dont feel guilty
Oct 01 4:23 PM
kolade Akintola:Never ‎​Απϑ ever tell M̲̅ε̲̣̣̣̥ that
Oct 01 4:23 PM
kolade Akintola:Okay
Oct 01 4:23 PM
galewilliam90:because those people are the bad ones
Oct 01 4:23 PM
kolade Akintola:If you care to skype caht
Oct 01 4:23 PM
galewilliam90:trying to make people fall in love with them
Oct 01 4:23 PM
kolade Akintola:Aww
Oct 01 4:24 PM

IM Oct 01 4:29 PM

Oct 01 4:24 PM
kolade Akintola:Why do you decieded to go into this kind of business

Kolade. said...

Oct 01 4:24 PM
kolade Akintola:Don't you think you are a scam ?
Oct 01 4:24 PM
galewilliam90:i know i am but poeple are stupid and i like money
Oct 01 4:24 PM
galewilliam90:i dont make all that much cause im only the middle man
Oct 01 4:25 PM
kolade Akintola:Hmmm
Oct 01 4:25 PM
kolade Akintola:Tell M̲̅ε̲̣̣̣̥ more
Oct 01 4:25 PM
galewilliam90:and i decided because people need to stop thinking its right to get someone to do agaisnt their will
Oct 01 4:25 PM
galewilliam90:such as fall in love
Oct 01 4:26 PM
galewilliam90:and when they try they get scammed
Oct 01 4:26 PM
Oct 01 4:26 PM
galewilliam90:its business nothing personal really
Oct 01 4:26 PM
galewilliam90:just like urs
Oct 01 4:26 PM
kolade Akintola:I am not a fake mind you
Oct 01 4:26 PM
galewilliam90:ur the hardest person to convince that i have encountered in my career
Oct 01 4:26 PM
kolade Akintola:Cos every bit of my spell manifest
Oct 01 4:26 PM
galewilliam90:ok then we dont have anything to talk about
Oct 01 4:27 PM
galewilliam90:ur spell
Oct 01 4:27 PM
galewilliam90:or your parents
Oct 01 4:27 PM
kolade Akintola:I need to understand
Oct 01 4:27 PM
galewilliam90:i can spot the fake ones and help them sound not so fake
Oct 01 4:27 PM
kolade Akintola:Can you come to nigeroa
Oct 01 4:27 PM
kolade Akintola:Nigeria
Oct 01 4:27 PM
kolade Akintola:??
Oct 01 4:27 PM
galewilliam90:nope why
Oct 01 4:28 PM
kolade Akintola:You need to see how it works
Oct 01 4:28 PM
galewilliam90:i live in canada and i have a business
Oct 01 4:28 PM
galewilliam90:so cant come
Oct 01 4:28 PM
kolade Akintola:I don't care whether it is them that are greedy
Oct 01 4:29 PM
kolade Akintola:Offer them what they want with the help of my parent
Oct 01 4:29 PM
kolade Akintola:My father is an herbalist

Kolade. said...

From: kolade Akintola
Sent: Friday, September 30, 2011 2:44 AM
Subject: Re:

Do you want M̲̅ε̲̣̣̣̥ to purnish you with the gods?. Don't ever in your life introduce illegal things to M̲̅ε̲̣̣̣̥. Am here to help people not to hurt them. If you don't stop your illegal act, I will teach you a lesson you will never forget in your life.


On Thu Sep 29th, 2011 8:26 PM PDT William Gale wrote:

>hey i saw you were having trouble gaining some trust. i cant help you with that all for a little cost. ive been doing this for a long time. i can show you the people ive worked with and still working with. they are all known as scams now but they made a lot of money before poeple figured out they were scams. some still try them. id love to help them but gotta help myself first. we all know there aint anyone real online. we can work under what you have now or even create a whole new site or both. i can post as someone saying im trying you and pretending to be skeptical and then saying i got results and if they need proof they can email me. i can post as different people changing my speaking style and also know how to hide or change the ip. so let me know if you are interested. there is nothing to lose. the key is not to go overboard with it and only post in a few places or it definitely looks like a scam. let me know how much you have made and i'll tell
> you how much more you can make. this fucking lord game over person is ruining it for everyone. but tehre are ways around it cause people are desperate. i got some people under me that are still learning to build sites and stuff that can assist you for free for a given time. i love money and would love to do some business.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to IFAPRIEST that help me with my interview today. I am not meant to share with anyone but dont know if my post can be of help to some people out there. Lets meet at for.......

Lord Game Over said...

Kolade is of his Rocker, I feel sorry for the person's whose email he just posted.

I can assure you it is not mine. I do post on several forums and blogs and I confess to everyone I would and will nevy disclose my identity to anyone.

Just another reason not to trust scam casters, they will think you are someone else and publish your persoanl business.

I hope that poor person didn't get punished like Kolade said because I feel sorry for him if i'm to blame.

If he thinks that person was me then here is the proof, his curse didn't work....I am laughing so hard because it's fully to watch this fool try to fiugre out who I am.

Use this guy and next time it will be your business he is publishing while trying to identify who I am. Keep digging a deeper hole for yourself Idiot....Lol

Lord Game Over said...

You are so bold to post on a scam blog....I suppose you are advertising so you can help people. Tell you Ifa priest to go suck on a fat one. No Christmas for the con men this year...Jingle bells, jingle bells, oh you are to broke the hear the bells this year scammers...I smell the tables have turned.

Anonymous said...
Thanks to IFAPRIEST that help me with my interview today. I am not meant to share with anyone but dont know if my post can be of help to some people out there. Lets meet at for.......

December 5, 2011 9:35 AM

Lord Game Over said...

Kolade...great news, I have decided to scam someone. Look at the message I posted on the forum. I am charging 2,500 hundred to do spell work, lets go into business together....Lol. You are such a stupid punk Canade we call people like you clown. Ya think anyone will bay me...Lol

Stephen, on the last forum you said he brough your boyfriend back, now you say it's Rachael. Does Smith know you are cheating on him with a woman? I think your caster botched the spell, poor confused sole, you don't know if you are straight or gay.

Don't worry send me 2,500.00 western union and I will resolve all your problems, all you have to tell me is weather you like boys or girls, I can get you results in 14 days with my powerful spell, but be ready to pay more money because when that one fails I will do the super powerful spell and I will sting you along until you run out of money....Lol

Lord Game over said...

I so look forward to my Clown friend Kolade post. I see he had noting stupid to say today. I feel so sorry for the poor saps whose email address and messages he posted. Just a reminder people...classic case of a con man gone mad...Lol. I should make a movie about that ill call it "Con Men gone Mad"

Anonymous said...

Is there any real spell caster out there?

Anonymous said...

I just found something very interesting it would be worth checking out.spell cast result that i got in 9days.I saw a caster that helped me though and i even met him in person during my spell cast..Thanks for these sites that reveal the scammers out to me here and know who really put an end to my journey round the web.found solutions to my love issues..

Lord Game Over said...

Why did you bother to post the following lie? You are just another scam and you know it. No christmas presents for you this year.

Anonymous said...
I just found something very interesting it would be worth checking out.spell cast result that i got in 9days.I saw a caster that helped me though and i even met him in person during my spell cast..Thanks for these sites that reveal the scammers out to me here and know who really put an end to my journey round the web.found solutions to my love issues..

December 8, 2011 6:22 AM

Anonymous said...

Good Day

We at the SPELL VERIFICATION TEAM wont relent in our effort in making sure that everyone on this blog gets the very best of spell, after so many investigations, we discovered that their are still lots of fake spell casters on this blog and as part of our effort, we have introduced and collaborate with the FEDERAL BUREAU of INVESTIGATION (F.B.I) to help us fish out all those involved in scam all over this blogs by tracking them down and bringing them to book...
On the other hand, we are urging you that you make inquiries with us at ( before contacting any spell caster from this blog to avoid being scammed...

We are fully prepared to clear this bad people and make sure that you get the very best of spell while we'll get you a spell caster close to you for conveniency if necessary.

(a stitch in time saves nine)


The Spell Verification Team said...

Good Day

We at the SPELL VERIFICATION TEAM wont relent in our effort in making sure that everyone on this blog gets the very best of spell, after so many investigations, we discovered that their are still lots of fake spell casters on this blog and as part of our effort, we have introduced and collaborate with the FEDERAL BUREAU of INVESTIGATION (F.B.I) to help us fish out all those involved in scam all over this blogs by tracking them down and bringing them to book...
On the other hand, we are urging you that you make inquiries with us at ( before contacting any spell caster from this blog to avoid being scammed...

We are fully prepared to clear this bad people and make sure that you get the very best of spell while we'll get you a spell caster close to you for conveniency if necessary.

(a stitch in time saves nine)


Anonymous said...

I just found something very interesting it would be worth checking out.spellcast result that i got in 9days.I saw a caster that helped me though and i even met him in person during my spell cast..Thanks for these sites that reveal the scammers out to me here and know who really put an end to my journey round the web.found solutions to my love issues..

Lord Game Over said...

The idiot that posted the message below has been posting the same message on the forums. If you fall for it you are going to lose your money.

Anonymous said...
I just found something very interesting it would be worth checking out.spellcast result that i got in 9days.I saw a caster that helped me though and i even met him in person during my spell cast..Thanks for these sites that reveal the scammers out to me here and know who really put an end to my journey round the web.found solutions to my love issues..

December 10, 2011 11:53 AM

Racheal said...

Thanks to a samantha i contacted her after going trough older post and i saw testimonies about her so i contacted her, and she realli did help me meet a good spell caster you can contact her on

Anonymous said...

can anyone tell me about a spell caster called scoro . claims to be the all powerful spell caster. he has this side kick called sandra that will tell you that he has worked wonders for her and that he is real and what ever he asks for you are to do and pay.
anyone know anything about this person?

Anonymous said...

what can someone tell me about SCORO MALAYGOD??????
real fake con scammer? please let me know if anyone has used him and what did you find out.
I am looking for an honest upfront and honest to goodness spell caster.
any assistance would be a welcome . thank you for your help.

Anonymous said...

I just found something very interesting it would be worth checking out.spell cast result that i got in 9days.I saw a caster that helped me though and i even met him in person during my spell cast..Thanks for these sites that reveal the scammers out to me here and know who really put an end to my journey round the web.found solutions to my love issues..

Lord Game Over said...

What makes people so desperate that they would still use the con men posting on these blogs and forums? I do not know how many different ways I can tell people they are all fake.

Every day I am receiving emails from people extremely upset because these con men have lead them to believe they can have their hear desire. In plain English I say it again. NO RESULTS = NO MONEY.

If you give any person advertising on any blog and forum I can guarantee you 100% you will get no results. All you are going to get is more pain when you lose your money and if the person is wacky they will threaten you too, but don't worry about that because they have no power!

If they couldn't get you results, then why would anyone be afraid that they have the power to put a curse on you? Does not pass the make sense test!

Lord Game Over said...

If any one here falls for the fake conversation below then you are not wise. This is called baiting. They pretend they say testimonies about the person to spak interest of people that don't know all the stupid tricks. They are desperate because money is not flowing like it use to. The con game is almost over Christmas money this year.

Racheal said...
Thanks to a samantha i contacted her after going trough older post and i saw testimonies about her so i contacted her, and she realli did help me meet a good spell caster you can contact her on

Lord Game Over said...

Never heard of the person you are asking about...but I would be willing to bet he is fake. At your own risk proceed.

Anonymous said...
can anyone tell me about a spell caster called scoro . claims to be the all powerful spell caster. he has this side kick called sandra that will tell you that he has worked wonders for her and that he is real and what ever he asks for you are to do and pay.
anyone know anything about this person?

shawn said...

contact if you need a spell and you will only have to pay after you see results.

Lord Game Over said...

People if you use the person below, make sure you do not send any money for materials either. This is one of the angles being used to get money. They say no money until after results but they try to charge hundreds of dollars for materials.

shawn said...
contact if you need a spell and you will only have to pay after you see results.

Anonymous said...

lord game over you have to let people decide what they want atleast this person said no money until you see results so just stop being the boss around here.

Lord Game Over said...
People if you use the person below, make sure you do not send any money for materials either. This is one of the angles being used to get money. They say no money until after results but they try to charge hundreds of dollars for materials.

The Spell Verification Team said...

Good Day

We at the SPELL VERIFICATION TEAM wont relent in our effort in making sure that everyone on this blog gets the very best of spell, after so many investigations, we discovered that their are still lots of fake spell casters on this blog and as part of our effort, we have introduced and collaborate with the FEDERAL BUREAU of INVESTIGATION (F.B.I) to help us fish out all those involved in scam all over this blogs by tracking them down and bringing them to book...
On the other hand, we are urging you that you make inquiries with us at ( before contacting any spell caster from this blog to avoid being scammed...

We are fully prepared to clear this bad people and make sure that you get the very best of spell while we'll get you a spell caster close to you for conveniency if necessary.

(a stitch in time saves nine)


The Spell Verification Team said...

Good Day

We at the SPELL VERIFICATION TEAM wont relent in our effort in making sure that everyone on this blog gets the very best of spell, after so many investigations, we discovered that their are still lots of fake spell casters on this blog and as part of our effort, we have introduced and collaborate with the FEDERAL BUREAU of INVESTIGATION (F.B.I) to help us fish out all those involved in scam all over this blogs by tracking them down and bringing them to book...
On the other hand, we are urging you that you make inquiries with us at ( before contacting any spell caster from this blog to avoid being scammed...

We are fully prepared to clear this bad people and make sure that you get the very best of spell while we'll get you a spell caster close to you for conveniency if necessary.

(a stitch in time saves nine)


The Spell Verification Team said...

Good Day

We at the SPELL VERIFICATION TEAM wont relent in our effort in making sure that everyone on this blog gets the very best of spell, after so many investigations, we discovered that their are still lots of fake spell casters on this blog and as part of our effort, we have introduced and collaborate with the FEDERAL BUREAU of INVESTIGATION (F.B.I) to help us fish out all those involved in scam all over this blogs by tracking them down and bringing them to book...
On the other hand, we are urging you that you make inquiries with us at ( before contacting any spell caster from this blog to avoid being scammed...

We are fully prepared to clear this bad people and make sure that you get the very best of spell while we'll get you a spell caster close to you for conveniency if necessary.

(a stitch in time saves nine)


The Spell Verification Team said...

Good Day

We at the SPELL VERIFICATION TEAM wont relent in our effort in making sure that everyone on this blog gets the very best of spell, after so many investigations, we discovered that their are still lots of fake spell casters on this blog and as part of our effort, we have introduced and collaborate with the FEDERAL BUREAU of INVESTIGATION (F.B.I) to help us fish out all those involved in scam all over this blogs by tracking them down and bringing them to book...
On the other hand, we are urging you that you make inquiries with us at ( before contacting any spell caster from this blog to avoid being scammed...

We are fully prepared to clear this bad people and make sure that you get the very best of spell while we'll get you a spell caster close to you for conveniency if necessary.

(a stitch in time saves nine)


Lord Game Over said...

Just wanted to remind everyone here...if you see any post here with a story about results from a caster I am 100% certain its a lie. If You chose to use a caster on any Topix forum or any blog you are going to lose your money. It's time to stop what is happening here.

A cetrain amount of shame may come with knowing you have been scammed but the only way to stop this is to speak out about these these con men and all the little tricks they use.

I think I have seen or heard about everything they have to offer. Use logic instead of your emotions to make decisions. Be wise people...wake up and take your power back from these idiots.

I am constantly testing spell casters from these blogs and forums and not a single person has passed the test...whay does that tell you? You would have given them your hard earned money and nothing would have resulted from the work.

Stop paying for false hopes and lies because that is all you are going to get if you use anyone on these blogs and forums. If you are interested in geting information on casters that actually do work you are paying for emil me at I will tell you what casters returned results for people that used them and what type of spell the individual ordered....don't get any easier than that.

Lord Game Over said...

I now have 4 confirmed real spell casters that people can use. Remember real does not mean that I am saying they can get you results, it just means they will do the work they said they are doing on your behalf. If you are looking for 14 day results, only scammers are going of offer that nonsense. If you are interested in the names email me at I am going to keep searching to find more.

Scammers go find another watering hole. This is my payback to you for scamming me.

Anonymous said...

Good Day

We at the SPELL VERIFICATION TEAM wont relent in our effort in making sure that everyone on this blog gets the very best of spell, after so many investigations, we discovered that their are still lots of fake spell casters on this blog and as part of our effort, we have introduced and collaborate with the FEDERAL BUREAU of INVESTIGATION (F.B.I) to help us fish out all those involved in scam all over this blogs by tracking them down and bringing them to book...
On the other hand, we are urging you that you make inquiries with us at ( before contacting any spell caster from this blog to avoid being scammed...

We are fully prepared to clear this bad people and make sure that you get the very best of spell while we'll get you a spell caster close to you for conveniency if necessary.

(a stitch in time saves nine)


Anonymous said...

Good Day

We at the SPELL VERIFICATION TEAM wont relent in our effort in making sure that everyone on this blog gets the very best of spell, after so many investigations, we discovered that their are still lots of fake spell casters on this blog and as part of our effort, we have introduced and collaborate with the FEDERAL BUREAU of INVESTIGATION (F.B.I) to help us fish out all those involved in scam all over this blogs by tracking them down and bringing them to book...
On the other hand, we are urging you that you make inquiries with us at ( before contacting any spell caster from this blog to avoid being scammed...

We are fully prepared to clear this bad people and make sure that you get the very best of spell while we'll get you a spell caster close to you for conveniency if necessary.

(a stitch in time saves nine)


goodlove said...

i guess everyone's solution differs, if you cannot let go off your love/ex then try what i tried... osuncovenspells yahoo com... its a coalition of African spell-casters, yes, i said African,because everyone considers Africans as scams... your opinion counts,but results matter most.. it worked for me, it might work for you... take care

good love.. said...

....i guess everyone's solution differs, if you cannot let go off your love/ex then try what i tried... osuncovenspells yahoo com... its a coalition of African spell-casters, yes, i said African,because everyone considers Africans as scams... your opinion counts,but results matter most.. it worked for me, it might work for you... take care

Anonymous said...

Good Day

We at the SPELL VERIFICATION TEAM wont relent in our effort in making sure that everyone on this blog gets the very best of spell, after so many investigations, we discovered that their are still lots of fake spell casters on this blog and as part of our effort, we have introduced and collaborate with the FEDERAL BUREAU of INVESTIGATION (F.B.I) to help us fish out all those involved in scam all over this blogs by tracking them down and bringing them to book...
On the other hand, we are urging you that you make inquiries with us at ( before contacting any spell caster from this blog to avoid being scammed...

We are fully prepared to clear this bad people and make sure that you get the very best of spell while we'll get you a spell caster close to you for conveniency if necessary.

(a stitch in time saves nine)


Anonymous said...

Good Day

We at the SPELL VERIFICATION TEAM wont relent in our effort in making sure that everyone on this blog gets the very best of spell, after so many investigations, we discovered that their are still lots of fake spell casters on this blog and as part of our effort, we have introduced and collaborate with the FEDERAL BUREAU of INVESTIGATION (F.B.I) to help us fish out all those involved in scam all over this blogs by tracking them down and bringing them to book...
On the other hand, we are urging you that you make inquiries with us at ( before contacting any spell caster from this blog to avoid being scammed...

We are fully prepared to clear this bad people and make sure that you get the very best of spell while we'll get you a spell caster close to you for conveniency if necessary.

(a stitch in time saves nine)


Anonymous said...

Good Day

We at the SPELL VERIFICATION TEAM wont relent in our effort in making sure that everyone on this blog gets the very best of spell, after so many investigations, we discovered that their are still lots of fake spell casters on this blog and as part of our effort, we have introduced and collaborate with the FEDERAL BUREAU of INVESTIGATION (F.B.I) to help us fish out all those involved in scam all over this blogs by tracking them down and bringing them to book...
On the other hand, we are urging you that you make inquiries with us at ( before contacting any spell caster from this blog to avoid being scammed...

We are fully prepared to clear this bad people and make sure that you get the very best of spell while we'll get you a spell caster close to you for conveniency if necessary.

(a stitch in time saves nine)


Lord Game Over said...

You are so fortunate to find the only caster in Africa that works. Why don't you provide some proof. Did you go to Africa to meet this caster or did you find the email address on another scam blog or forum...or are you just the person who is advertising? In four years, not one single caster advertised on any blog or forum has gotten a single person results. But I guess the person below found the only one that can....what a freaking joke.

goodlove said...
i guess everyone's solution differs, if you cannot let go off your love/ex then try what i tried... osuncovenspells yahoo com... its a coalition of African spell-casters, yes, i said African,because everyone considers Africans as scams... your opinion counts,but results matter most.. it worked for me, it might work for you... take care

scoot mcknight said...

i hate being ripped of cash each time i come on here but ever since i met a lady up here who introduced to me a powerful man of passion whose name i aint wanna put on here helped me out and stooped me from been ripped off my hard earned cash again

Lord Game Over said...

Kolad who post on this blog pretending to be a real spell caster is now using another email address offering spells for no money until after results...he is a know scammer. I am sure they will try to get money from you for something and will publish your information if you do not pay.


Lord Game Over said...

Ok...the story on, she is a liar...she said her brother and her cousin was the same after I busted her in a lie. So you are here scamming. Just go away already. I will go through this blog and find all the old messages where I busted her so everyone can see. Go make your money someplace else.


Lord Game Over said...


Lord Game Over said...


Adebisi Adeniyi said...

I am not a scammer and am not demanding any money from anybody. I am here with the aim of helping people not collecting money from them, whenever you see the result you can reward me,

lisa hawkeswood said...

should you want stuffs done for you? send your email address to his phone number, well i must say, he is more of a psychologist than a caster, i have tested him and it worked out well...+44-753-481-7341. you send him a text containing your email and permission to call him, he will reply and then you can get ahead... good luck fellow Yankees..

Lord Game Over said...

I have been receiving so many messages about fake casters saying i'm a scam. What a freaking joke..Listen up everyone, I can give you the names of people that are real casters that will do the work you are paying for. I could care less who anyone uses...have I made myself clear.

I know the game they play all too well, I too was a victim and not ashamed to say that i fell for this crap. I am fighting back so now they are all pissed. Oh well, it's time to get a real job, or you should have thought about saving some of that money you scammed people out of...I guess the Gods didn't tell you that your con days were coming to an end...go consult on that and tell me what they said...and keep that cure crap to yourself.

Lord Game Over said...

This is the funniest post of the year. I laugh so hard I almost pissed in my pants. Is the the new con for 2012? hahahahahah

lisa hawkeswood said...
should you want stuffs done for you? send your email address to his phone number, well i must say, he is more of a psychologist than a caster, i have tested him and it worked out well...+44-753-481-7341. you send him a text containing your email and permission to call him, he will reply and then you can get ahead... good luck fellow Yankees..

Anonymous said...

Imagine being able to alter your world in the areas of Love, Money, Career, Sexual Intimacy, Bad Karma, and Will Power! Imagine being able to bring back lost lovers, make someone sexually attracted to you, bring bad luck to others, lose weight, stop smoking, get a promotion or raise, or simply come into big money. All is possible with the astounding power of High Priest Touma and his outstanding spell casting abilities. You have the power to change the future, change your destiny, and get the things out of life you need to bring success, luck, and happiness.

Fleetskie Temple was started by High Priest Touma, a well known Sorcerer and spell caster with magical roots in the art of sorcery and witchcraft all throughout America,Europe, Africa, and South Asia. This Temple allows people from all over the world tap into our natural and learned spell casting abilities and harnesses the vast and infinite power of Touma powerful channeling to bring desired results to people in all areas of their lives

Touma John

N:B Kindly drop a text if your call is not answered

Fleetskie Temple said...

Imagine being able to alter your world in the areas of Love, Money, Career, Sexual Intimacy, Bad Karma, and Will Power! Imagine being able to bring back lost lovers, make someone sexually attracted to you, bring bad luck to others, lose weight, stop smoking, get a promotion or raise, or simply come into big money. All is possible with the astounding power of High Priest Touma and his outstanding spell casting abilities. You have the power to change the future, change your destiny, and get the things out of life you need to bring success, luck, and happiness.

Fleetskie Temple was started by High Priest Touma, a well known Sorcerer and spell caster with magical roots in the art of sorcery and witchcraft all throughout America,Europe, Africa, and South Asia. This Temple allows people from all over the world tap into our natural and learned spell casting abilities and harnesses the vast and infinite power of Touma powerful channeling to bring desired results to people in all areas of their lives

Touma John
New York

N:B Kindly drop a text if your call is not answered

Anonymous said...

I have been scammed several times by fake spell casters, but i never give up my hope

untill recently i found a genuine and trustworthy Man who helped me a lot and my lost

husband came back to me and my sick mum regain her health.
I never beleived this man at first until i gave him the benefit of my doubt after giving

him a trial. He capable of casting all sort of spells like love spell, Money back spell, and

health spell and there is guarantee of refund if you are not satisfied.
I only have to let people know about this Man this is why i post this testimony as i am

not lureing or forcing anyone, as i know the reall thing will always speak for itself. If

you care to know him, you can reach me on

Anonymous said...

Good Day

We at the SPELL VERIFICATION TEAM wont relent in our effort in making sure that everyone on this blog gets the very best of spell, after so many investigations, we discovered that their are still lots of fake spell casters on this blog and as part of our effort, we have introduced and collaborate with the FEDERAL BUREAU of INVESTIGATION (F.B.I) to help us fish out all those involved in scam all over this blogs by tracking them down and bringing them to book...
On the other hand, we are urging you that you make inquiries with us at ( before contacting any spell caster from this blog to avoid being scammed...

We are fully prepared to clear this bad people and make sure that you get the very best of spell while we'll get you a spell caster close to you for conveniency if necessary.

(a stitch in time saves nine)


The Spell Verification Team said...

Good Day

We at the SPELL VERIFICATION TEAM wont relent in our effort in making sure that everyone on this blog gets the very best of spell, after so many investigations, we discovered that their are still lots of fake spell casters on this blog and as part of our effort, we have introduced and collaborate with the FEDERAL BUREAU of INVESTIGATION (F.B.I) to help us fish out all those involved in scam all over this blogs by tracking them down and bringing them to book...
On the other hand, we are urging you that you make inquiries with us at ( before contacting any spell caster from this blog to avoid being scammed...

We are fully prepared to clear this bad people and make sure that you get the very best of spell while we'll get you a spell caster close to you for conveniency if necessary.

(a stitch in time saves nine)


The Spell Verification Team said...

Good Day

We at the SPELL VERIFICATION TEAM wont relent in our effort in making sure that everyone on this blog gets the very best of spell, after so many investigations, we discovered that their are still lots of fake spell casters on this blog and as part of our effort, we have introduced and collaborate with the FEDERAL BUREAU of INVESTIGATION (F.B.I) to help us fish out all those involved in scam all over this blogs by tracking them down and bringing them to book...
On the other hand, we are urging you that you make inquiries with us at ( before contacting any spell caster from this blog to avoid being scammed...

We are fully prepared to clear this bad people and make sure that you get the very best of spell while we'll get you a spell caster close to you for conveniency if necessary.

(a stitch in time saves nine)


Anonymous said...

I am sorry you are reading this message like this, I just see its a way of helping who will need the kind of help i got.I have been scammed by three casters that promised me and get my money trying all my means to stop the divorce my man wanted from me..i love him and i cant stand loosing him to little girl will be sad with that and i cant face telling her how her father left me..i was so desperate to keep my marriage and i see that as all i can live for..i seek everywhere to stop the divorce..i seek spiritual helps to get things right but all i talked with never did anything for me..I saw a caster that helped me though and i even met her in person during my spell cast..i got my recent from an old woman..she did a mighty spell for me and now, all my husband says is about our upcoming wedding anniversary..So i dont want people to wander off rather get lucky and be happy like me afterwards. Write me for ref>>>

sarah Struttgard said...

My name is sarah Struttgard...............i live in Arizona usa,I am here to testify to the good work of the dark magic professionals. 4 years ago, my husband left home, he never returned, no phone calls, no letters, no emails, no sign of him anywhere. my daughter got sick with multiple sclerosis, things were so tough for me. I had lost hope, 2 years ago, i met a psychic, he said he would help me,i paid over $3800 and still nothing happened, i lost hope completely, my daughter's situation got worse each day.
last month, i saw a posting concerning the good works of the dark magic professionals, i gave them a try...i paid about $1500 for items, for all three spells (Bring Lover back, Healing spell and Career spells). In a matter of weeks, my husband called me and told me he was sorry and that he wants to come back to me and that he would explain everything when he comes back, three days later, i got a new job with a loan and finance company, right now, my daughter's condition is getting better each day and i trust she would be well in a matter of days.
I want to thank the Dark Magic Professionals for their efforts and for bringing my life back to normal and so close to,am so happy and excited i came across you contact as i promise i will make it up to you back,once again am very grateful.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm susan, this might sound like an advert, but take it as it is, couple of months ago my lover left me for another girl. It wasn't easy coping without him, he was everything to me, a father, a lover and a guidian, everything. Seem to be going wrong, so i decided to grab the bull by the horn, and take actions after numerous pleas, text messages, emails, missed calls... I was online, then i came across a post about this love spellcaster, the testimony seemed kind of hard to believe but i gave it a trial and it worked.. Solved my love problem with he few nickel, he was back and better, relationship was renewed with passion and love you can try him too or contact me on

Carmelta Iniguez said...

i tried it as recommended by lisa, it did work..try this caster ,,,
text messages 44-753-481-7341

Lord Game Over said...

Now the scammers are telling people the Gods revealed their email addresses and situation...I think they used that one around Christmas time if I recall correctly. This is the deal..if you get a stupid email like that, its just one of the facke spell casters you contacted previously with a new email address. They really do think people are stupid.

Scam Alert

Lord Game Over said...

Tip for today.

"REAL SPELL CASTERS DO NOT ADVERTISE ON SCAM BLOGS AND FORUMS" OFTEN THEY DO NOT HAVE WEBSITES EITHER. THEY USUALLY ONLY WORK BY WORD OF MOUTH." I would say 90% of the websites advertising spell casting services are fake...just my opinion. If these sites and spell casters were real, why are so many people talking about being ripped off. Please use Logic, and your intuition and not emotions. Con Men work on your emotions and will always tell you what you want to hear to get your money. They could care less about the problems you are wise people.

I get so many emails daily from people who have been ripped can these people be so wicked. Not too long ago a young lady tried to take her life because of what these con men did to her. Do Not Fall Into Their Trap.

Lord Game Over said...


Your english is very bad for someone living in Arazona, USA. I'm sorry but it's obvious you are a lier. The story doesn't seem real. You see in the USA your husband wouldn't get very far without a warrent for his arress for not paying child support. Before you post bullshit stories, check the laws in the state you are using.

My name is sarah Struttgard...............i live in Arizona usa,I am here to testify to the good work of the dark magic professionals. 4 years ago, my husband left home, he never returned, no phone calls, no letters, no emails, no sign of him anywhere. my daughter got sick with multiple sclerosis, things were so tough for me. I had lost hope, 2 years ago, i met a psychic, he said he would help me,i paid over $3800 and still nothing happened, i lost hope completely, my daughter's situation got worse each day.
last month, i saw a posting concerning the good works of the dark magic professionals, i gave them a try...i paid about $1500 for items, for all three spells (Bring Lover back, Healing spell and Career spells). In a matter of weeks, my husband called me and told me he was sorry and that he wants to come back to me and that he would explain everything when he comes back, three days later, i got a new job with a loan and finance company, right now, my daughter's condition is getting better each day and i trust she would be well in a matter of days.
I want to thank the Dark Magic Professionals for their efforts and for bringing my life back to normal and so close to,am so happy and excited i came across you contact as i promise i will make it up to you back,once again am very grateful.

January 15, 2012 8:30 AM

Lord Game Over said...

Scam Alert


Good Day

We at the SPELL VERIFICATION TEAM wont relent in our effort in making sure that everyone on this blog gets the very best of spell, after so many investigations, we discovered that their are still lots of fake spell casters on this blog and as part of our effort, we have introduced and collaborate with the FEDERAL BUREAU of INVESTIGATION (F.B.I) to help us fish out all those involved in scam all over this blogs by tracking them down and bringing them to book...
On the other hand, we are urging you that you make inquiries with us at ( before contacting any spell caster from this blog to avoid being scammed...

We are fully prepared to clear this bad people and make sure that you get the very best of spell while we'll get you a spell caster close to you for conveniency if necessary.

(a stitch in time saves nine)


James said...

Lord game over or what are you called, it seems your own business here is to criticize people who are ready to help those that are in need of the help of God. If you don't have any serious thing to offer on this blog, it's better you get your bloody ass away and look for better things to do.


Good Day

We at the SPELL VERIFICATION TEAM wont relent in our effort in making sure that everyone on this blog gets the very best of spell, after so many investigations, we discovered that their are still lots of fake spell casters on this blog and as part of our effort, we have introduced and collaborate with the FEDERAL BUREAU of INVESTIGATION (F.B.I) to help us fish out all those involved in scam all over this blogs by tracking them down and bringing them to book...
On the other hand, we are urging you that you make inquiries with us at ( before contacting any spell caster from this blog to avoid being scammed...

We are fully prepared to clear this bad people and make sure that you get the very best of spell while we'll get you a spell caster close to you for conveniency if necessary.

(a stitch in time saves nine)



Good Day

We at the SPELL VERIFICATION TEAM wont relent in our effort in making sure that everyone on this blog gets the very best of spell, after so many investigations, we discovered that their are still lots of fake spell casters on this blog and as part of our effort, we have introduced and collaborate with the FEDERAL BUREAU of INVESTIGATION (F.B.I) to help us fish out all those involved in scam all over this blogs by tracking them down and bringing them to book...
On the other hand, we are urging you that you make inquiries with us at ( before contacting any spell caster from this blog to avoid being scammed...

We are fully prepared to clear this bad people and make sure that you get the very best of spell while we'll get you a spell caster close to you for conveniency if necessary.

(a stitch in time saves nine)



Good Day

We at the SPELL VERIFICATION TEAM wont relent in our effort in making sure that everyone on this blog gets the very best of spell, after so many investigations, we discovered that their are still lots of fake spell casters on this blog and as part of our effort, we have introduced and collaborate with the FEDERAL BUREAU of INVESTIGATION (F.B.I) to help us fish out all those involved in scam all over this blogs by tracking them down and bringing them to book...
On the other hand, we are urging you that you make inquiries with us at ( before contacting any spell caster from this blog to avoid being scammed...

We are fully prepared to clear this bad people and make sure that you get the very best of spell while we'll get you a spell caster close to you for conveniency if necessary.

(a stitch in time saves nine)


Anonymous said...

What is wrong with you people? Every single "spellcaster" on the internet is a scam artist. There ARE no legitimate ones. Stop giving them your money! You speak of paying these crooks thousands of dollars. Since when did spellcasting cost that much? If you are so desperate to be loved, then why not save your money and invest in a new outfit and a night out with friends? That way you can meet someone who loves you for you, and not because a spellcaster forced them to love you through magic. If you still desire the services of a spellcaster, NEVER go through the internet. Only if you see them face-to-face could it be safe.

samantha said...

i have met a good spell caster he is based here in the uk, you can contact me on i can direct you to him or you travel down here to meet him in person.

Anonymous said...

Am so happy to have my girl back and pass my last am free from all the fake casters.. wanna knw, you can email the

Anonymous said...

I emailed Arewa last night, she got back to me quickly, and i told her everything she wanted to know about the person (full name, birthday)but now after seeing some reports of her im scared for the person i talked about.....if i just dont repond back will everything be ok? Does anyone know of a LEGIT-CHEAP caster?


Good Day

We at the SPELL VERIFICATION TEAM wont relent in our effort in making sure that everyone on this blog gets the very best of spell, after so many investigations, we discovered that their are still lots of fake spell casters on this blog and as part of our effort, we have introduced and collaborate with the FEDERAL BUREAU of INVESTIGATION (F.B.I) to help us fish out all those involved in scam all over this blogs by tracking them down and bringing them to book...
On the other hand, we are urging you that you make inquiries with us at ( before contacting any spell caster from this blog to avoid being scammed...

We are fully prepared to clear this bad people and make sure that you get the very best of spell while we'll get you a spell caster close to you for conveniency if necessary.

(a stitch in time saves nine)



Good Day

We at the SPELL VERIFICATION TEAM wont relent in our effort in making sure that everyone on this blog gets the very best of spell, after so many investigations, we discovered that their are still lots of fake spell casters on this blog and as part of our effort, we have introduced and collaborate with the FEDERAL BUREAU of INVESTIGATION (F.B.I) to help us fish out all those involved in scam all over this blogs by tracking them down and bringing them to book...
On the other hand, we are urging you that you make inquiries with us at ( before contacting any spell caster from this blog to avoid being scammed...

We are fully prepared to clear this bad people and make sure that you get the very best of spell while we'll get you a spell caster close to you for conveniency if necessary.

(a stitch in time saves nine)



Good Day

We at the SPELL VERIFICATION TEAM wont relent in our effort in making sure that everyone on this blog gets the very best of spell, after so many investigations, we discovered that their are still lots of fake spell casters on this blog and as part of our effort, we have introduced and collaborate with the FEDERAL BUREAU of INVESTIGATION (F.B.I) to help us fish out all those involved in scam all over this blogs by tracking them down and bringing them to book...
On the other hand, we are urging you that you make inquiries with us at ( before contacting any spell caster from this blog to avoid being scammed...

We are fully prepared to clear this bad people and make sure that you get the very best of spell while we'll get you a spell caster close to you for conveniency if necessary.

(a stitch in time saves nine)


Lucia Richardson said...

After being scammed a number of times i was determined to get help cause i really needed to have my lover back, and at last i met a generous old man who has helped me, my lover has returned to me now, more commited than ever if you got a problem and you need psychic help don't hesitate to contact him, here his is email address, thank you father your are really a generous old man.

Anonymous said...

Dear friends, i had a problem with my girl friend 2year ago, which lead to our broke up. when she broke up with me, i was not my self again, i fill so empty inside me. until a friend of my Walt pen told me about a spell caster who helped him in the same problem too. i email the spell caster and i told him my problem and i did what he asked of me, to cut the long story short. before i knew what was happening my girl friend gave me a call and told me that she was coming back to me and was so joyous to have her back to me. we have two kids together and we are happy with our selves. thanks to for saving my relationship and for also saving others own too. continue your good work the great spell caster.

Anonymous said...

Dear friends, i had a problem with my girl friend 2year ago, which lead to our broke up. when she broke up with me, i was not my self again, i fill so empty inside me. until a friend of my Walt pen told me about a spell caster who helped him in the same problem too. i email the spell caster and i told him my problem and i did what he asked of me, to cut the long story short. before i knew what was happening my girl friend gave me a call and told me that she was coming back to me and was so joyous to have her back to me. we have two kids together and we are happy with our selves. thanks to for saving my relationship and for also saving others own too. continue your good work the great spell caster.


Good Day

We at the SPELL VERIFICATION TEAM wont relent in our effort in making sure that everyone on this blog gets the very best of spell, after so many investigations, we discovered that their are still lots of fake spell casters on this blog and as part of our effort, we have introduced and collaborate with the FEDERAL BUREAU of INVESTIGATION (F.B.I) to help us fish out all those involved in scam all over this blogs by tracking them down and bringing them to book...
On the other hand, we are urging you that you make inquiries with us at ( before contacting any spell caster from this blog to avoid being scammed...

We are fully prepared to clear this bad people and make sure that you get the very best of spell while we'll get you a spell caster close to you for conveniency if necessary.

(a stitch in time saves nine)



Good Day

We at the SPELL VERIFICATION TEAM wont relent in our effort in making sure that everyone on this blog gets the very best of spell, after so many investigations, we discovered that their are still lots of fake spell casters on this blog and as part of our effort, we have introduced and collaborate with the FEDERAL BUREAU of INVESTIGATION (F.B.I) to help us fish out all those involved in scam all over this blogs by tracking them down and bringing them to book...
On the other hand, we are urging you that you make inquiries with us at ( before contacting any spell caster from this blog to avoid being scammed...

We are fully prepared to clear this bad people and make sure that you get the very best of spell while we'll get you a spell caster close to you for conveniency if necessary.

(a stitch in time saves nine)


Lord Game Over said...

Scam Alert! Scam Alert! Scam Alert!

Lord Game Over said...

Scam Alert! Scam Alert! Scam Alert!

Scam Alert! Scam Alert! Scam Alert!

Lord Game Over said...

Anyone visiting this blog. I assure you with 100% Certainty that you will get scammed if you use any spell casters listed on the blogs and forums.

In addition 99.9% of the spell casters with websites are also scam sites. Just a con man finding an easy way to prey on the innocent.

The stories you read about getting a lover back are all fake. Look at spell verification team who claims to be working with the FBI…really? How stupid do these people think we are? Ask yourself a question. If these so called spell casters were real then why are so many people getting scammed?

The have several email addresses and use several names….be wise people. if you have any questions. Please do not ask me for referrals to people that can get you results. No real spell caster will ever give anyone such a ridiculous guarantee. The spirits are the ones who have to agree to help your cause for starters.

sandar bells said...

I am the most happiest person on earth now as i have experienced great miracle throuhg the hep of father zavala spells he is really a powerfull spiritualist, my ex returned to me after 2 yrs of seperatin and even got me pregnant, so the era of scammers is over, if you need any spiritual help just contact him on it is for those who live in the uk for that is where he is based, best of luck!

Lord Game Over said...

***Scam Alert*** scammer testing the water with a sorry ass fake story! The fake got the lover back stories do not work for any one any more loser!

sandar bells said...
I am the most happiest person on earth now as i have experienced great miracle throuhg the hep of father zavala spells he is really a powerfull spiritualist, my ex returned to me after 2 yrs of seperatin and even got me pregnant, so the era of scammers is over, if you need any spiritual help just contact him on it is for those who live in the uk for that is where he is based, best of luck!

Lord Game Over said...

Warning Scam Alert!

Give up already and go find a real job!

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